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Essential Vermeer Newsletter

A warm welcome to the Essential Vermeer website and special thanks for signing up to the VERMEER NEWSLETTER. It will be my personal pleasure to have you among the more 3,000+ subscribers and help keep you on top of all Vermeer-related exhibitions, publications or multi-media events and significant Essential Vermeer website updates. The newsletter is not issued at fixed intervals but you should not expect to receive more than four or five newsletters a year depending on the quantity and quality of news I am able to gather.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any sort questions regarding Vermeer-related issues or the content of Essential Vermeer website. Feel free to access all past newsletters by clicking on the links below.

Thanks for your support and for visiting the Essential Vermeer,
Jonathan Janson

The Essential Vermeer Newsletter

The Love Letter (detail)
Johannes Vermeer
c. 1667–1670
Oil on canvas, 44 x 38.5.cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

In order to improve the usability of the Essential Vermeer Newsletter (and likewise overcome persistent technical problems inherent in mass mailing) the upcoming newsletters have a new format.

With each new issue, you will receive a brief email notice announcing that the new newsletter is ready and a link that will take you directly to the full newsletter in HTML format hosted on the Essential Vermeer website.

The new HTML format greatly improves the usability of the newsletter because it permits digital images, videos and live web links to be included while the former, simple text format did not. Naturally you will have to be online in order access the newsletter.

The Essential Vermeer has now more than 3,000 subscribers from all over the world including a significant numbers of Dutch and Flemish art specialists.

EV 4.0 Newsletter ✉

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Looking Over Vermeer’s Shoulder

The complete study of Vermeer’s materials, artistry and painting techniques

Jonathan Janson

(painter & founder of Essential Vermeer.com)