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Related Artworks: Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid

Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid

c. 1670–1671
Oil on canvas
71.1 x 58.4 cm.
National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin

The artworks below constitute a succinct survey of the evolution of the narratives and compositional schemes that can be in some manner be associated with Vermeer's Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid, before and after it was presumably created.

The individual artworks are arranged in chronological order. However, this order must be considered no more than approximate given that often times the dates of Vermeer's paintings and the related artworks listed herein bear no dates and thus are fruit of art historical speculation. Furthermore, although every effort was made to provide the most accurate title, author, date, technique, dimensions and whereabouts of each artwork, these should be researched thoroughly before drawing definitive conclusions, given that some of this information was derived from internet websites whose reliability cannot be guaranteed.

When an artwork's date was not found the painter's birth and dates are given between parentheses. When it was not possible to determine the current location of the art work, it is given as either "Whereabouts unknown" or "Private collection (?)"

In order to improve the quality of this survey readers are strongly encouraged to signal both new artworks and inaccuracies.

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