Owing to its agreeable sunlit position and picturesque skyline the environs immediately surrounding the Delft Kolk represented in Vermeer's View of Delft was painted, drawn, mapped, etched, engraved and photographed many times. Below is a collection of these images in chronological order.
The Delft Kolk is a small, triangular-shaped harbor or basin situated at the northern edge of the historic center of Delft, forming part of the city's intricate canal system. Historically, it served as an important point for trade and transportation, allowing boats to dock as they carried goods and passengers along the waterways connecting Delft to other cities, such as Rotterdam and The Hague, via the Schie River. Positioned near prominent landmarks like the now-demolished Rotterdam Gate, the Kolk played a crucial role in Delft's economic and urban life.
In order to familiarize with the most cited landmarks click here to access a roll-over image map of Vermeer's View of Delft.
The principal digital resources used to compile the list here are: the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam and City Archives of Delft and which contains a treasure trove of video and audio material concerning Delft from the sixteenth century until now. The collection contains historical prints, drawings, photos and audiovisual material in various formats, such as 8 and 16 mm film, videos, DVDs, CDs, LPs and cassettes.

Maarten van Heemskerck
Oiil on oak panel, 123.5 x 75.5 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: The unfinished painting by Van Heemskerck features the first representation of Delft that has survived, as seen from the south side of the town.

Maarten van Heemskerck
Oiil on oak panel, 123.5 x 75.5 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: The unfinished painting by Van Heemskerck features the first representation of Delft that has survived, as seen from the south side of the town. In the painting, the bridge has two arches, the western one of which is slightly lower than the eastern one. The slightly curved parapet or wall is in the middle, level with the pillar between the two arches, equipped with a small turret that had a defensive function. In earlier images from the seventeenth century the turret has disappeared. By the end of the seventeenth century it had been removed and replaced by a gate.

Pend, brush and color on paper, 35.2 × 47.5 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A design of the defenses of Delft which show the city walls, the ramparts and gates. Indicated are: Haechsche Gate, Duijvelsgat, Oostpoort, Suijtpoort, Watersloorpoort. The street plan is not indicated. Text on the reverse: Affteeckeninghe vanden stadt Delft.

Pend, brush and color on paper, 35.2 × 47.5 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Detail of the Suijtpoort (South Gate) showing the fortifications of Delft. Note the earthe rampart (in green) which would be removed to create a more funtional and deeper harbor to favor increasing water traffic.

Pen in black and brush in colors, on brown flax paper, approx. 37 x 24 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Delft, with the front gate of the Rotterdam Gate on the right, the Schiedam Gatev in the middle.

possibly 1599
Pen and brush in color on paper, 55.5 × 41.8 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A rare view of the facade of the former Rotterdam Gate as seen from the city side with a view through it to the front gate and drawbridge.

From: Belgicae sive Inferioris Germaniae Regionum Descriptio
Ludovico Guicciardini
Copper engraving, 22.7 × 31.2 cm.
comment: The map includes the town's four extant gates: Suijtpoort, the Haechpoort, Dat duijvelsgat and Die Oostpoort.

From: Belgicae sive Inferioris Germaniae Regionum Descriptio
Ludovico Guicciardini
Copper engraving, 22.7 × 31.2 cm.
comment: The map includes the town's four extant gates: Suijtpoort, the Haechpoort, Dat duijvelsgat and Die Oostpoort.

Publisher: Frankfurt am Main; Bey Caspar Merian
Engraved by Matthäus Merian
comment: The Topographia Germaniæ Inferioris shows the city walls, ramparts, moat and gates of Delft as well as a few of the town's principal landmarks.

Publisher: Frankfurt am Main; Bey Caspar Merian
Engraved by Matthäus Merian
comment: The Topographia Germaniæ Inferioris shows the city walls, ramparts, moat and gates of Delft as well as a few of the town's principal landmarks. This detail shows the Kolk.

Jan van Goyen
Black chalk, with grey wash, 14.4 x 26.4 cm.
The British Museum, London
comment: A windmill, the Burgundian Tower, the Sheidam Gate and Zuidwall, which has pointed Renaissance turret not seen in Vermeer's painting.

Simon de Vlieger
c. 1645–1650
Black chalk, brush and gray ink on paper, 14.8 x 23.3 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Published in Amsterdam
Joan Blaeu
c. 1649
Engraving on copper, 38 x 49 cm.
comment: The Delfi Batavorum vernacule Delft was published in 1649, about a decade before Vermeer painted the View of Delft. The map shows the city's principal landmarks in reasonable accuracy although, due the limits of the medium, there are probable fewer houses than those that actually existed. Only a few houses are shown in the vicinity of the inn where Vermeer presumably painted his View of Delft on the Hooikade.

Published in Amsterdam
Joan Blaeu
c. 1649
Engraving on copper, 38 x 49 cm.
comment: The Delfi Batavorum vernacule Delft was published in 1649, about a decade before Vermeer painted the View of Delft. The map shows the city's principal landmarks in reasonable accuracy although, due the limits of the medium, there are probable fewer houses than those that actually existed. Only a few houses are shown in the vicinity of the inn where Vermeer presumably painted his View of Delft on the Hooikade.

Jan van Goyen
c. 1650
Black chalk and gray brush on poaper, 9.8 × 15.4 cm (3.9 × 6.1 in.)
Blade size: 9.8 x 15.4 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman
c. 1652–1654
Pen and black ink, brush and gray ink; framing line in brush and black ink, by the artist; incised for transfer, 14.5 × 25.1 cm.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
comment:This drawing by the specialist of marine imagery Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman (meaning “sailor” or “seaman” in Dutch), is a fully developed print design, incised for transfer to the printing plate, for the artist’s best-known series, “Verscheyde Schepen en Gesichten van Amstelredam” (“Various Ships and Views of Amsterdam”).
The drawing exhibits Zeeman’s characteristically meticulous rendering of nautical details, particularly the rigging of the sails. As a nocturne, it also demonstrates his sensitive treatment of both natural and artificial light, with areas of untouched paper conveying the moonlight gleaming through the clouds, the glow of lanterns illuminating the figures on the boat, and the reflections on the rippled surface of the water. A liberal application of gray ink establishes the shifting tonalities of the night sky.1

Simon de Vlieger
Graphite and gray wash, on paper; verso: graphite, 19.4 x 28.9 cm.
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York

Jan de Bisschop
Graphite, pen and brush and brown ink, 9.5 x 15.9 cm.
Historisch Museum, Amsterdam
comment: From foreground to the background; the Burgundain tower, the Zuidwal , the Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates. To the right the waters of the Kol with various moored barges. The quay on which the figures walk seems to slope downward from the ramparts, while in Vermeer's painting it appears to be perfectly flat.

Print maker: David Philippe
Adriaen Pietersz. van de Venne
Jacob Westerbaen
Etching on paper, 41.8 x 46 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: The etching illustrates the arrival of the English king Charles II from Breda in Delft, 25 May 1660 at the Zuidkolk. A large group welcomes the king who arrived in Delft by boat on the quay. In the air putti with the arms of the Republic. In the background the Schiedam and the Rotterdam Gates can be recognized. In the foreground, the Hooikade.

Print maker: David Philippe
Adriaen Pietersz. van de Venne
Jacob Westerbaen
Etching on paper, 41.8 x 46 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: The etching illustrates the arrival of the English king Charles II from Breda in Delft, 25 May 1660 at the Zuidkolk. A large group welcomes the king who arrived in Delft by boat on the quay. In the air putti with the arms of the Republic. In the background the Schiedam and the Rotterdam Gates can be recognized. In the foreground, the Hooikade.

Johannes Vermeer
c. 1660–1663
Oil on canvas, 98.5 x 117.5 cm.
Mauritshuis, The Hague

Jan van Kessel
Between 1664 and 1669
Black chalk, pen and gray ink, and gray-brown wash, 17.9 x 24.4 cm.
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Antwerp
comment: The Rotterdam Gate and a double-beam drawbridge in front of it.

Constantine Huygens (II)
1667 (?)
Pen and ink on paper, 9.7 × 15.7 cm.
Leiden University Library, Leiden
comment: Constantijn Huygens made this drawing from the 't Hooft , although Huygens' own caption may be incorrect. Since Huygens knew the French diplomat de Monconys and Pieter Teding van Berkhout, who both had visited the studio of Vermeer, the drawing may be considered a document regarding Vermeer and the View of Delft, and, obliquely, the artist's proximity to Huygens.

Print maker: Coenraet Decker (attributed to)
Publisher: Pieter Smith (possibly)
Publisher: Arnold Bon (possibly)
Publisher: Pieter Mortier (I) (possibly)
c. 1667
engraving on paper, 18.3 x 27.3 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Comment: In Vermeer's View of Delft the only visible part of the Armamentarium is its red-tiled roof, just to the right of the Schiedam Gate.
Ludolf Bakhuizen
Ink on paper, 11.5 x 16.8 cm.
Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam
comment: A view of Delft with the spire of the Oude Kerk and the Rotterdam Gate as seen for the south along the Schie.

Coenraet Decker, after Jan Verkolje (I)
Etching, 24.1 x 63 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: An elevated view of Delft from the west.

Coenraet Decker, after Jan Verkolje (I)
Etching, 24.1 x 63 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: An elevated view of Delft from the west showing, from right to left, a double-beam drawbridge, the Burgundian tower, the Groenmolen and the two spires of the Rotterdam Gate

Published in Delft by Dirck Evertsz. van Bleyswijck
81.5 (82.5) x 124.5 (125.5) cm.

Published in Delft by Dirck Evertsz. van Bleyswijck
81.5 (82.5) x 124.5 (125.5) cm.

Abraham Rademaker
c. 1685–1735
Pen/ brush, ink on paper,15.2 × 19 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: A view of Delft from the Hooikade with the Kethel, Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates,

Josua de Grave
Pen drawing in brown, 9.0 x 15.2 cm. (drawing in album Rademaker, p. 53.)
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A view from the east of the Rotterdam and Schiedam Gates. In the distance the Groenmolen.

Josua de Grave
Pen drawing in brown, 9 x 14 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Kethel Gate, and part of the Rotterdam Gate to the extreme right) as seen inside Delft along the Oude Delft

Josua de Grave
Pen drawing, 9.0 x 15.2 cm. (drawing in album Rademaker, p. 54.)
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A view along the south side of Delft showing the Rotterdam Gate in the in the middle ground and the Burgundian tower on the Asvest on the corner. In the middle the Henegouw tower. In the distance, the blades of the Groenmolen.

c. 1700
Drawing, brush and watercolor, 16.7 × 26.2 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Rotterdam Gate with the single -beam draw bridge as seen from the Hooikade.

Maker unknown, attributed to Jacobus Stellingwerff
c. 1700
Drawing, pen and brush in gray, 14.7 × 19.8 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Rotterdam Gate seen from the Hooikade.

J. Stellingwerff
c. 1700
Brush in gray on paper, 13.1 × 18.7 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Andries Schoemaker, Gerrit Schoemaker and Cornelis Pronk
Between 1710 and 1735
Royal Dutch Antiquarian Society
comment: The Schiedam Gate seen from the Hooikade.

Andries Schoemaker, Gerrit Schoemaker and Cornelis Pronk
Between 1710 and 1735
Royal Dutch Antiquarian Society
comment: The Rotterdam Gate with the double-beam draw bridge as seen from the southwest with the tower of the Nieuwe Kerk on the left.

Abraham Rademaker
c. 1730
Drawing brush in gray, 16 x 23 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Kethel and Schiedam Gates with the Nieuwe Kerk on the right as seen from the Hooikade.

Abraham Rademaker
c. 1730
Drawing brush in gray, 16 x 23 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
The Rotterdam Gate with a drawbridge in front as seen from the Hooikade.
Anonymous Dutch artist
18th century
Chalk and pastel on blue paper, 18.4 x 29.1 cm.
Städel Museum, Frankfurt
Comment: A view of Delft as seen from the Hooikade most likely after the View of Delft by Vermeer.

18th century
Pen in black, brush in colors, 18.1 x 27.0 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

19th century
Pen in black, brush in colors, 18.1 x 27.0 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

A. de Haan
Drawing and watercolor on paper, 9.8 x 16.1 cm
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Asvest between the Rotterdam Gate and the Burgundian tower with the Henegouw tower in the middle after a position in 1695.

Draftsman: Abraham Rademaker
Engraver: Leonard Schenk
c. 1730
Engraving, 15 x 18.7 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A view across the Kolk of the Schie, including the building on the Hooikade (center corner) from which Vermeer may have painted the View of Delft .

Draftsman: Abraham Rademaker
Engraver: Leonard Schenk
c. 1730
Engraving, 15 x 18.7 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A detail of a view across the Kolk of the Schie including the building on the Hooikade (center corner) from which Vermeer may have painted the View of Delft .

Draftsman: Abraham Rademaker
Engraver: Leonard Schenk
c. 1730
Engraving, 15.2 × 19 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: From left to right; the Zuidwal, Kethel and Schiedam Gate as seen from the Zuidwal with in the background on the right the Kapelbrug and behind it the tower of the Nieuwe Kerk.
Attributed to Jan Ten Compe
Oil on panel, 23 x 29.8 cm.
comment; A view of the Burgundian tower with a double-beam draw bridge as seen from the east. The Groenmolen in the distance.

Draftsman: Abraham Rademaker
Engraver: Leonard Schenk
c. 1730
Engraving, 88 x 120 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: View of the city from the Hooikade with the Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates. The most important buildings are indicated with a text. On the far left the outer vest and wood gardens. On the right the ship-making workshop. The foreground Hooikade is populated by spectators, boats sail on the Schie and Kolk for pleasure and trade. Larger ships are moored at the Zuidwal quay. The unusual width of the view allows the observer to see the Groenmolen and the double-beamed drawbridge to the extreme left.

Cornelis Pronk
before 1742
Drawing on paper, 7.3 x 20 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

CJ Philips and C. Pronk
Etching on paper, 17.4 x 19.4 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: View of the city from the Hooikade with the Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates.

Abraham de Haen (II)
Pen and black ink and watercolor on paper
24.6 x 30.6 cm.
Tylers Museum, Haarlem
comment: View of the city from the Hooikade with the Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates. On the far left the outer vest and wood gardens. On the right the ship-making workshop. The foreground is populated workers with cargo boats sail on the Hooikade and a large two boat moored on its quay.

Wash and pend drawing on paper, 15.5 x 23.1 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Gerrit Toorenburgh
c. 1750
Drawing, brush in gray, 21.7 × 31.6 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: View of the city from the Hooikade with the Kethel, Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates. A masted boat is moored on the 't Hooft.

c. 1750
Pencil drawingon paper, 12.5 x 26.1 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Schiedam Gate before the Kolk was dug seen from the south with the tower of the Holy Hruiskapel in the background. Situation in 1573.

Hendrik Thier
Brush drawing, 16.6 x 24.6 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

H. Scheurleer
Engraving, colored and cut (illumination print), 24.9 × 40.2 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Second half of the 18th century
Drawing and watercolor on paper, 16.2 x 21.3 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

H. Scheurleer
Etching/ engraving on paper, 25.2 x 40.8 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: View of the Schie, seen from the southern Kolk in Delft towards Rotterdam. Several ships in the water, including a sailing ship that fires (salute) shots in the foreground.The foreground figures and are standing on the 't Hooft. the scene the title and dedication in the Netherlands and French, with in the middle the coat of arms of Johan Hendrik van der Does.

H. Scheurleer
Etching/ engraving on paper, 25.2 x 40.8 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: View of the Schie, seen from the southern Kolk in Delft towards Rotterdam. Several ships in the water, including a sailing ship that fires (salute) shots in the foreground. Below the scene the title and dedication in the Netherlands and French, with in the middle the coat of arms of Johan Hendrik van der Does.

Hendrik Thier
Brush drawing, 16.6 × 24.3 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Foundation of the Free Lady of Renswoude, founded by the will of Maria Duyst van Voorhout. This institution, which had homes in Delft, The Hague and Utrecht, provided the training of gifted orphans in the liberal arts. The Van Renswoudehuis in Delft was built in the period 1756–1759 at Oude Delft 49, where the foundation remained until 1923, with an interruption from 1803–1843.
The Kethel and Schiedam Gate can be seen in the background.

Hendrik Thier
Drawing, brush in black and gray, 21.1 x 29 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Hendrik Thier
Drawing, brush in gray and black, 6.5 × 24.7 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Zuidwal seen from the Hooikade with the Groenmolen on the Kethelstraat on the left in the foreground, and the Rotterdam and Schiedam Gates in the background. On the right part of the Scheepmakerij.

Hendrik Thier
Pen in black, brush in gray and black, 16.7 × 24.6 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Holland's Ammunition Magazine, De Gheer, Hoogbrugge and the Schiedam Gate in the distance

The Harbor of Delft with the Rotterdam Gate
Louis François Cassas
c. 1776
Pencil drawing, 15.5 x 26.7 cm
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Rotterdamse- and Schiedamsepoort seen to the north.

Isaac van Haastert
Pen in brown, brush in gray, 15.9 × 20.8 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Zuidwal with the Groenmolen on the Kethelstraat on the left in the foreground, and the Rotterdam and Schiedam Gates in the background. https://zoeken.stadsarchiefdelft.nl/detail.php?nav_id=0-2&id=42082477&index=0

Draftsman: Isaac van Haastert
Engraver: Georg Leopold Hertel
c. 1770
Engraving, 15.7 x 20.6 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates seen toward the north in the foreground, on the left the Groenmolen on the Kethelstraat and in the background the mill on the Austrian tower.

Draughtsman: Isaac van Haastert
Engraver and Publisher: Georg Balthasar Probst
30.5 x 45.5 cm.
place publisher: Augsburg
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: A view of the Kethel, Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates, between them, the Kapelbrug, as seen from the Oude Delft inside the city walls.

Draughtsman: Isaac van Haastert
Engraver and Publisher: Georg Balthasar Probst
c. 1780
Engraving after drawing, 27.7 x 41.0 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: A view the Delft Ammunition Warehouse as seen inside the Rotterdam Gate looking down Lange Geer. To the left, Oude Delft.

Isaac van Haastert
mid 1750s (?)
Pencil, pen and brush 30.5 × 42.4 cm.
Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam

Johannes Huibert Prins
c. 1780–1782
Pen and brush on paper, 18.1 x 23.6 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
comment: A view of the Burgundian tower and the Groenmolen, with a double-beam drawbridge in front. The in background the Schiedam Gate.

Jan ten Compe & Jacobus Buys
before 1784
Pen and black and gray ink and watercolor, over traces of pencil;
signed, apparently in the hand of Jacobus Buys, in gray ink, verso: J. ten Compe ad viv. / opg(e?)t door J Buys
20.4 by 34.5 cm.
Private collection

Aert Schouman
comment: On the left is the house from which Vermeer observed and painted the View of Delft.

Maas van Altena
c. 1790
Brush in gray, 7.8 x 10.1 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The city of Delft seen from the south with the Schie in the foreground and the towers of the Oude Kerk and the Nieuwe Kerk in the background. The Groenmolen is the first windmill to the left. Below the image the coat of arms of Delft.

G.Th. Delemarre
c. 1800
Pen in black, brush in gray, 10.6 x 18.2 cm .
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Burgundian tower seen from the Zuidwal with in the background the Groenmolen on the Kethelstraat.

c. 1800
Pen in black, brush in gray, 10.5 × 18.1 cm .
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Burgundian tower seen from the Zuidwal with in the background the Groenmolen on the Kethelstraat.

Gijsbertus Craeyvanger
c. 1825–1835
Lithograph, 13.3 x 18.8 cm.
Private collection
comment: A view across the Kolk from Zuidwal. In from which Vermeer may have painted the View of Delft is the large building with two chimnies on the Hooikade. To the lower left is the 't Hooft. The Schie recedes to the background.

Isaac van Haastert
19th century
Drawing, washed brush drawing, 10 × 13.4 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

c. 1800
Anonymous Dutch
Drawing, pencil, brush in gray. 10.6 x18.2 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Kethel Bridge on the Zuidwal seen from the north with a part of the Burgundian tower on the foreground left and the Houttuinen on the right.

Balthasar Jooss
Drawing, brush in gray, 17.3 × 29.3 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: From left to right, the Kethel, Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates seen from the south with the tower of the Nieuwe Kerk in the distance. Between the Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates is the Kapelbrug. In front of the Schiedam Gate, 't Hooft

Balthasar Jooss
Pen and brush in brown, 18.1 x 24.1 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Kethel (left) and Schiedam Gate (left) as seen from inside the city walls.

c. 1830
Pencil and brush in water colors, 17 × 29.3 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Delft Schie seen from the Zuidwal to the south with the buildings on the Hooikade on the right, and the Scheepmakerij on the left. The buidling where Vermeer may have painted the View of Delft is the large building with two chimnies. The 't Hooft in the lower left-hand corner.

c. 1830
Pencil and brush in water colors, 17 × 29.3 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Delft Schie seen from the Zuidwal to the south with the buildings on the Hooikade on the right, and the Scheepmakerij on the left. The buidling where Vermeer may have painted the View of Delft is the large building with two chimnies. The 't Hooft in the lower left-hand corner.

Gijsbertus Craeyvanger
printer: Desguerrois & Co.
27 x 34.4 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Christiaan Bos
c. 1860
City Archives of Delft, Delft

A. Waldorp
Oil on canvas, 62.5 x 82.6 cm.
Private collection

Delftsche Courant (detail)
1879, January 8
translation: At one hour this night a fire broke out here in the building at the Zuideinde, traditionally known under the name of "de Stads Herberg", inhabited by the owner v. Z. and four other families.
The fire was immediately so fierce and immediately spread to such an extent that the residents had difficulty in saving themselves without being able to save anything, at least very little, of their belongings, which was especially a major disaster for three of the families, together ten people, as the belongings of these families were not insured against fire damage.
The building was almost completely destroyed by fire within two hours, leaving little more than its bare walls. We learn that the skipper of a vessel lying ashore in front of the house, whose attention was drawn by the thick smoke that rose from the roof, awakened the occupants, who were all in bed, in time. The cause of the disaster appears to be unknown. Six of the seven fire sprayers used watered.

Henri de Louw
c. 1885
Photograph, 10 x 14 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: The Provinciale Vaart with sailing ships near the Asvest on the right with a part of the Henegouw tower, the building with plastered facades and a gabled roof. Left the Hertog Govertkade, looking west. In the background the Groenmolen without blades on the Kethelstraat and the Rotterdam Gate.

Cornelis Ouboter van der Griendt
1887, July
Pen in black and brush in colors, heightened, 24.7 × 32.1 cm.
Delftsche Courant January 8, 1879
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Fire in the Stads Herberg at the Zuideinde on the night of January 7, 1879. The inn was inhabited by owner Van Z. and four other families. A skipper managed to warn the residents. Of the seven fire engines, six provided water, but nevertheless the inn burned out completely in two hours. Right the Hooikade.

Henri de Louw
c. 1890
Photograph, 8 x 12 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Henri de Louw
c. 1890
Photograph, 8 x 12 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Paulus van Liender
c. 1890
Aquatint in colors, 24.4 × 39.8 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: View of Delft with the Schiedam and Rotterdam Gates as seen from the Hooikade. On the right the Scheepmakerij and in the background the tower of the Nieuwe Kerk. Various ships in the water of the Kolk. On the Hooikade there are people with barrels and a horse.

Henri de Louw
1892, July
Photograph, 29 x 49 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Demolition of the Rotterdam Gate bridge with the wooden auxiliary bridge in the background. On the right the Oude Delft, in the middle the Groenmolen on the Kethelstraat and on the left the Hooikade.

Henri de Louw
1893, April
Photograph on paper, 22 x 56 cm
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Construction of the new iron Rotterdam Gate bridge on the Zuidwal with the wooden auxiliary bridge in the middle and the Hertog Govertkade on the left in the foreground.

Henri de Louw
1894, May 26
Photograph, 37 x 52 cm.
City Archives of Delft, Delft

Technical Service Aviation Department
City Archives of Delft, Delft
comment: Aerial photograph of the Kolk which shows the Groenmolen and, on the corner of Hooikade and Zuidiende, the building (or a later reconstruction) where Vermeer presumably painted the View of Delft. Specialists hold that the arist worked from the first or second window of the first story of the main facade.

Technical Service Aviation Department
comment: A detail of an aerial photograph of the Kolk which shows the building (or a later reconstruction) on the corner of Hooikade and Zuidiende where Vermeer presumably painted the View of Delft. Specialists hold that the arist worked from the first or second window of the first story of the main facade.

Photo Technical Service Aviation Department

Photo Technical Service Aviation Department

GJ Dukker
1971, March

2020, July
- JSS," Night Ferries to The Hague, Delft and Leiden, c. 1652–54 " website: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 8/23/2018 <https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/631141>