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To sort the exhibitions by a specific painting, click the "SORT BY PAINTING" button. This action will display a popup modal featuring thumbnails of all Vermeer's paintings. Simply select the painting of your choice, and the table will then display exhibitions featuring that particular painting, highlighted in red, in chronological order.
When available, catalogue information regarding individual paintings is given in parenthesis in the following order: page number, catalogue number, illustration and eventual notes. The titles of all Vermeer paintings listed are linked to Essential Vermeer interactive catalogue.
# |
1838 Jun. |
London | Great Britain | Catalogue of Pictures by Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch and French Masters. British Institution. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 29, as "A Female at a window," by Metsu, lent by R. Vernon, Esq.) |
1866 May |
Paris | France | Exposition rétrospective tableaux anciens empruntés aux galeries particulières. Palais des Champs-Elysées. | 4 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (not in cat.) The Geographer (35, no. 106) Officer and Laughing Girl (36, no. 107) A Lady Standing at the Virginal (36, no. 108) |
1867 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Katalogus der tentoonstelling van schilderijen van oude meesters. Arti et amicitiae. | 2 | The Love Letter (18, no. 113) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (39, no. 274) |
1872 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Katalogus der tentoonstelling van schilderijen van oude meesters. Arti et amicitiae. | 2 | The Milkmaid (21, no. 142) The Little Street (22, no. 143) |
1873–1874 | Brussels | Belgium | Exposition de tableaux et dessins d'anciens maitres organisée par la société néerlandaise de bienfaisance à Bruxelles. Musées Royaux. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace A Lady Writing (76, no. 26) |
1874 | Paris | France | Exposés au profit de la colonisation de l'Algérie par les Alsaciens-Lorrains. Palais de la Présidence du Corps léegislatif. | 1 | The Geographer (60, no. 332) |
1876 | London | Great Britain | Exhibition of Works by Old Masters and by Deceased Masters of British School. Royal Academy of Arts. | 1 | The Music Lesson (no. 211) |
1878 | London | Great Britain | Royal Academy of Arts. (Winter exhibition). | 2 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (50, no. 267, as "Lady at a Casement," by Jan van der Meer, lent by Viscount Powerscourt) |
1881 | London | Great Britain | Royal Academy of Arts (Winter exhibitition) |
1 | The Glass of Wine (22, no. 93, lent by Mrs. Hope) |
1888–1889 | New York | United States | Exhibition of 1888–1889. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 29, as "Young Woman Opening a Casement") |
1889 | Paris | France | Catalogue of the celebrated collection of paintings by modern and old masters and of water colors and drawings formed by Mr. E. Secrétan. Charles Sedelmeyer Galleries. | 2 | Mistress and Maid (138, no. 139 and ill., as "The Lady and the Servant," from the collection of Dufour Marseille) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (130, no. 140 and ill., as The Billet-doux" |
1890 | The Hague | Netherlands | Catalogus der tentoonstelling van schilderijen van oude meesters. Pulchri Studio. | 1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring (57, no. 117) The Love Letter (56, no. 116) |
1891 | London | Great Britain | Royal Academy of Arts Winter exhibition | 1 | Officer and Laughing Girl (15, no. 52, as "The Soldier and the Laughing Girl," lent by Samuel S. Joseph, Esq.) The painting is described as "Interior of a room; a man in a red coat and a large black hat, and a woman in a black and gold dress and white hood, are seated at a table near an open window, conversing; a map hangs on the wall behind the. Panel, 19 by 17 in." |
1891 | London | Great Britain | A Catalogue of the Pictures of the Dutch and Flemish Schools: Lent to the South Kensington Museum by Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope. South Kensington Museum. | 1 | The Glass of Wine (10, no. 54, as "A Gentleman and a Lady") |
1892 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | "Rembrandt." Vereeniging tot behoud in Nederland van Kunstschatten. Arti et Amicitiae. | 1 | The Love Letter (unpaginated, no. A) |
1892 | London | Great Britain | Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters and by Deceased Masters of the British School including a Collection of Watercolour Drawings, Studies, and Sketches from Nature. Royal Academy. |
1 | The Guitar Player (no. 46, as "The Lute Player," lent by Lord Iveagh) |
1894 | London | Great Britain | Exhibition of Works by Old Masters and by Deceased Masters of British School. Royal Academy of Arts. | 1 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal (22, no. 93, as "A Lady at a Spinet," lent by T. Humphry Ward, Esq.) |
1895 | London | Great Britain | Temple, A. G. Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Pictures. Art Gallery of the Corporation of London. | 1 | The Music Lesson (92-93, no. 127, as "the Music Master, and Pupil," lent by Her Magesty the Queen) |
1897 Mar. 5–28 |
Boston | United States | One Hundred Masterpieces. Copely Hall, Copley Society, | 1 | The Concert (no. 98, as "The Muscians," lent by Mrs. John L. Gardner) |
1898 | Paris | France | Illustrated catalogue of 300 Paintings by Old Masters of Dutch, Flemish, French, and English School Being Some of the Principal Pictures Which Have at Various Times Formed Part of Sedelmeyer Gallery. Sedelmeyer Gallery. | 4 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal (102, no. 85 and ill., as "A Lady at a Spinet") Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (102, no. 86 and ill., as "The Billet-doux ") The Geographer (104, no. 87 and ill.) A Maid Asleep (104, no. 88 and ill., as "The Sleeping Servant") |
1900 | London | Great Britain | Exhibition of Pictures by Dutch Masters of Seventeenth Century. Burlington Fine Arts Club. | 3 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal (24, no. 15 as "A Lady Playing the Clavichord," lent by George Salting, Esq.) Officer and Laughing Girl (25, no. 18 as Le Soldat et la Fillette Qui Rit," lent by Mrs. Joseph) Girl Interrupted in her Music (26, no. 23 as "The Music Lesson," lent by Lewis Fry, Esq., M. P.) |
1900 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Catalogus der verzameling schilderijen en familieportretten van de heeren jhr. P. H. Six van Vromade, Jhr. J. Six en jhr. W. Six. Stedelijk Museum. | 2 | The Little Street (17, no. 71) The Milkmaid (17, no. 70) |
1903 Apr. 28–Jul. 25 |
London | Great Britain | Works by Early and Modern Painters of the Dutch School. Art Gallery of the Corporation of London. | 1 | A Maid Asleep (no. 188, as "The Cook Asleep," lent by Monsieur X of Paris). |
1904 | St. Louis | United States | Official Catalogue of Exhibits, Department of Art. St Louis World's Fair. | 1 | Girl Interrupted in her Music (73, no. 93, as "The Music Lesson" lent by Mr. Henrey C. Frick, Pittsburg) |
1904 Aug. |
Düsseldorf | Germany | Kunsthistorische Ausstellung. (unknown location) | 1 | Study of a Young Woman (no. 398, lent by Herzog von Arenberg, Brussels) |
1906 Apr. |
New York | United States | Temporary Exhibition. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 40, as "Young Woman at a Window") |
1907 | The Hague | Netherlands | Loan to display with permanent collection. Mauritshuis. | 1 | Girl with a Flute |
1907 | London | Great Britain | Catalogue of a Collection of Pictures, Decorative Furniture and Other Works of Art. Burlington Fine Arts Club, Winter Exhibition, | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (4, no. 13, lent by Otto Beit) |
1908 | New York | United States | Loan to display with the permanent collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. (1908 and 1909–1913.) | 1 | Lady Writing |
1909 Sept.25–0ct. 9 |
New York | United States | The Hudson-Fulton Celebration. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 5 | Woman with a Lute (no. 135, lent by Mrs. Collis P. Huntington, New York) A Lady Writing (136, no. 136 lent by Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, New York) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 137, as "Girl with Water Jug") A Maid Asleep (no. 137A, as "A Girl Sleeping") Girl Interrupted in her Music (no. 138, as "The Music Lesson" lent by Mr. Henry C. Frick, New York) Lady with Guitar (no. 134, copy, lent by Johnson) |
1909 | London | Great Britian | A Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings in the National Loan Exhibition in aid of National Gallery Funds Held in the Grafton Galleries, London (1909-1910) | 1 | Officer and Laughing Girl (71, no. 50, and ill., lent by Mrs. Joseph) |
1910 | Boston | United States | Museum of Fine Arts | 1 | Girl Interrupted in her Music (no. 15, lent by Mr. Henry C. Frick, New York) |
1912 Jan. 11–27 |
New York | United States | Exhibition of Old Masters for the Benefit of The Artists' Funds and Artists' Aid Societies. M. Knoedler & Co. | 1 | Officer and Laughing Girl (54, no. 50 and ill., lent by Samuel S. Jospeh, London) |
1912 | New York | United States | Exhibition of Old Masters for the Benefit of the Artists' Fund & Artists' and Societites: Galleries of M. Knoedler & Co. | 2 | Woman Holding a Balance no. 49 page Officer and Laughing Girl (54, no. 50 ). |
1914 | Paris | France | Hundred Masterpieces. A Selection from the Pictures by Old Masters. Sedelmeyer Gallery. | 3 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (52, no. 24 and ill.) The Geographer (54, no. 25 and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (48, no. 22 and ill.) |
1919 Jun. 20 |
The Hague | Netherlands | La Collection Goudstikker d'Amsterdam. Pulchri Studio. | 1 | Girl with a Flute (no. 131 and ill.) |
1920 Jan. |
Copenhagen | Denmark | La Collection Goudstikker d'Amsterdam. National Gallery of Denmark | 1 | Girl with a Flute (unlisted in exh. cat.) |
1920 Feb. |
Stockholm | Sweden | La Collection Goudstikker d'Amsterdam. Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts. | 1 | Girl with a Flute (unlisted in exh. cat.) |
1920 Mar. |
Oslo | Norway | La Collection Goudstikker d'Amsterdam. Oslo Konstforening. | 1 | Girl with a Flute (unlisted in exh. cat.) |
1920 May–Jun. |
Rotterdam | Netherlands | La Collection Goudstikker d'Amsterdam. Academie van Beeldende Kunsten. | 1 | Girl with a Flute (no. 19. and ill.) |
1920 May 8–Aug. |
New York | United States | Fiftieth Anniversary Exhibition. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (8, unnumbered cat., lent by Mrs. Henry E. Huntington). |
1921 Apr.–May |
Paris | France | Exposition hollandaise. Tableaux, aquarelles et dessins anciens et modernes. Jeu de Paume. | 3 | View of Delft (10, no. 104) The Milkmaid (10, no. 105) Woman with a Pearl Earring (10, no. 106 and ill.) |
1922 Nov.–Dec. |
London | Great Birtain | Agnew & Sons Ltd., London |
1 | The Guitar Player (no. 33) |
1925 Jan. 9–Jan. 25 |
Detroit | United States | A Loan Exhibition of Dutch Paintings. Institute of Arts. | 1 | Woman Holding a Balance (no. 33 and ill.) |
New York | United States | Loan Exhibition of Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century. M. Knoedler & Co. | 1 | Girl with a Red Hat (no. 12 and ill. as "Portrait of a Young Woman") |
1927 | Cambridge | United States | Loan exhibition for the opening of the new building. Fogg Art Museum. | 1 | Girl with a Red Hat (no catalogue) |
1928 Jan. 28-March |
London | Great Britain | Exhibition of works by late members of the Royal Academy and of the Iveagh bequest of works by old masters (Kenwood collection). Royal Academy, London
1 | Guitar Player (no. 216) |
1928 Jan. 25–Apr.28 |
Rome | Italy | Mostra di capolavori della pittura olandese. Galleria Borghese. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Earring (100, no. 125 and ill., as "Testa di Fanciulla") The Lover Letter (101, no. 126 and ill., as "La Lettera") |
1928 Apr. 16–Apr.28 |
New York | United States | Loan Exhibition of Twelve Masterpieces of Painting, M. Knoedler & Co. | 1 | Girl with a Red Hat (no. 12 and ill. as "Portrait of a Young Woman") |
1928 April 2–Jun. 2 |
Manchester | Great Britain | Exhibition of Old Masters Presented to the Nation by the late Earl of Iveagh. Manchester City Art Gallery. |
1 | Guitar Player |
1929 Jan. 4–Mar. 9 |
London | Great Britain | Exhibition of Dutch Art, 1450–1900. Royal Academy of Arts. |
9 | Diana and her Companions (148, no. 313, as "Diana at her Toilet") Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (148–149, no. 314, as "The Love-Letter") Head of a young Girl (as by Vermeer; cat no. 317, lent by Hon Andrew W. Mellon) |
1929 | Berlin | Germany | Die Meister des holländischen Interieurs. Galerie Dr Schäffer. | 1 | Girl with a Glass of Wine ("Nachtrag" no. 103a and ill.) |
1932–1933 Nov. 15–Apr. 9 |
New York | United States | The Michael Friedsam Collection. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Allegory of Faith (no catalogue) |
1933 Jun. 1-Oct. 31 |
Chicago | United States | A Century of Progress Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture. Art Institute of Chicago. | 1 | Woman Holding a Balance (13, no. 80, as "A Woman Weighin Gold," lent by Mr. Joseph Widener) |
1935 Jul. 9–Oct. 9 |
Rotterdam | Netherlands | Vermeer, oorsprong en invloed. Fabritius, de Hooch, de Witte. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. | 9 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (34, no. 79 and ill. 59) The Milkmaid (35, no. 81 and ill. 62) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (35-36, no. 82 and ill.) The Little Street (36, no. 83 and ill. 64) The Lacemaker (36-37 and ill. 65) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (37, no. 85 and ill. 66) Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (37, no. 86 and ill. 67) A Lady Writing (37, no. 86a) The Geographer (38, no. 87 and ill. 68) |
1935 Oct. 21–Nov. 3 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Vermeer tentoonstelling ter herdenking van de plechtige opening van het Rijksmuseum op 13 July, 1885. Rijksmuseum. |
8 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (26-27, no. 162 and ill. 162) The Milkmaid (27, no. 163 and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (28, no. 164) The Little Street (28, no. 165 and ill. 165) The Lacemaker(29, no. 166 and ill. 84) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (29, no. 167 and ill. 85) Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (30, no. 168) The Love Letter (30, no. 169) |
1938 | London | Great Britain | Catalogue of the Exhibition of the King's Pictures. Royal Academy of Arts. |
1 | Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (1: 106, no. 253, as "The Love Letter," 2: 62 and ill. 253) |
1939 | New York | United States | Masterpieces of Art. New York World's Fair. European Paintings and Sculpture from 1300–1800. |
2 | The Milkmaid (194–195, no. 398 and pl. 71) A Lady Writing (195, no. 399, pl. 72) |
1939 Nov. 10–Dec.10 |
Detroit | United States | Masterpieces of Art from Foreign Collections. European Paintings from the New York and San Francisco World's Fairs. The Detroit Institute of Arts. |
1 | The Milkmaid (19 and ill. 52) |
1940 | New York | United States | Loan Exhibition of Allied Art for Allied Aid for the Benefit of the Red Cross War Relief Fund. M. Knoedler & Co. |
1 | A Lady Writing (no. 6.) |
1941 | New York | United States | Loan Exhibition in Honor of Royal Cortizzos and His 50 Years of Criticism in the New York Herald Tribune. M. Knoedler & Co. | 1 | A Lady Writing (18–19, no. 17) |
1941 | Detroit | United States | Masterpieces of Art from European and American Collections. Twenty-Second Loan Exhibition of Old Masters. The Detroit Institute of Arts. | 1 | The Milkmaid (19 and ill. 62) |
1942 Feb. 5–March 8 |
Montreal | Canada | Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Painting (Exposition de chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture). Museum of Fine Arts, Art Association. | 1 | The Milkmaid |
1942 Oct. 8–Nov. 7 |
New York | United States | Paintings by the Great Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century. Duveen Galleries. | 2 | The Milkmaid (87, no. 67 and ill.) A Lady Writing (89 and 159, no. 68, ill.) |
1942 Nov. 18–Dec.16 |
Chicago | United States | Paintings by the Great Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century. Art Institute of Chicago. | 2 | The Milkmaid (64, no. 41 and ill.) A Lady Writing (89 and 159, no. 68 and ill.) |
1943 | Raleigh NC | United States | An Exhibition of Paintings by Living Masters of the Past. North Carolina State Art Society Gallery. | 1 | A Lady Writing (unnumbered catalogue and ill.) |
1943 0ct. 10–Nov. 21 |
Baltimore | United States | The Baltimore Museum of Art Presents an Exhibition of Paintings by Living Masters of the Past. Baltimore Museum of Art. | 1 | A Lady Writing (unnumbered catalogue and ill.) |
1945 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Weerzien der meesters. Rijksmuseum. | 1 | View of Delft (no. 132) Diana and her Companions (22, no. 133) |
1945 | The Hague | Netherlands | Nederlandsche kunst van de XVde en XVIde eeuw. Mauritshuis. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Earring (no. 134) |
1946 | Antwerp | Belgium | De Hollandsche Schilderkunst van Jeroen Bosch tot Rembrandt. Keuze van Meesterwerken uit Nederlandsche Musea. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Earring (no. 91 and ill.) |
1946 Mar. 2–Apr. 28 |
Brussel | Belgium | De Hollandsche schilderkunst van Jeroen Bosch tot Rembrandt. Paleis voor Schone Kunsten. | 1 | The Little Street |
1946 | New York | United States | Loan Exhibition: 24 Masterpieces. M. Knoedler & Co. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 15 and ill.) |
1946 | London | Great Britain | Catalogue of Exhibition of the King's Pictures. Royal Academy of Arts. | 1 | The Music Lesson (108, no. 305) |
1946–1947 Nov.–Mar. |
Zurich | Switzerland | Meisterwerke aus Oesterreich. Kunsthaus. | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 426) |
1947 Apr.–Jun. |
Brussels | Belgium | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 148) | |
1947 Jul.–Oct. |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 193) | |
1947–1948 Nov.–Mar. |
Paris | France | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 193) | |
1948 May 17–Jun. 13 |
New York | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" The Glass of Wine (14, no. 139 and ill., as "Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine" |
1948 Jun. 19–Jul. 7 |
Philadelphia | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Philadelphia Museum of Art |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" The Glass of Wine (14, no. 139 and ill., as "Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine" |
1948 15 Jul.–4 Aug. |
Chicago | United States | Masterpieces of painting saved from the German Salt Mines: Property of the Berlin Museums. The Art Institute of Chicago. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" The Glass of Wine (14, no. 139 and ill., as "Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine" |
1948 Aug. 14– Aug. 31 |
Boston | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Boston Museum of Fine Arts. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" The Glass of Wine (14, no. 139 and ill., as "Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine" |
1948 Sept. 10–26 |
Detroit | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Detroit Institute of Arts. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" |
1948 Oct. 6–22 Oct. |
Cleveland | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Cleveland Museum of Art. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" |
1948 Nov. 2–17 |
Minneapolis | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Minneapolis Institute of Arts. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace") |
1948 Nov. 25–Dec. 3 |
Portland (OR) | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Portland Musem of Art. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" |
1948 Dec. 11– Dec. 29 |
San Francisco | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. M. H. de Young Memorial Museum. |
1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" |
1949 Jan. 4 –22 |
Los Angeles | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Los Angeles. County Museum of Art. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" The Glass of Wine (14, no. 139 and ill., as "Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine" |
1949 Jan. 31 – Feb. 17 |
Saint Louis | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Saint Louis City Art Museum. |
1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" |
1949 Feb. 27– Mar. 14 |
Philadelphia | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Carnegie Institute |
1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" |
1949 Mar. 22– Mar. 31 |
Toledo, Ohio | United States | Paintings from the Berlin Museums Exhibited in Co-operation with The Department of The Army. Toledo Museum of Art. |
1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (14, no. 138 and ill., as "Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace" The Glass of Wine (14, no. 139 and ill., as "Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine" |
1949 May 14–Dec. 13 |
Wiesbaden | Germany | Returned Masterworks. Zurückgekehrte Meisterwerke aus dem Besitz Berliner Museen. X. Ausstellung im Central Collecting Point. Landesmuseum Wiesbaden. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (no. 186) The Glass of Wine (no. 97) |
1948 May 8–Sept. 19 |
Stockholm | Sweden | Konstskatter från Wien. Nationalmuseum (Textkatalog och bildkatalog). | 1 | The Art of Painting |
1948 Aug. 6–Sept. 26 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Masterpieces of the Dutch School from the Collection of H.M. the King of England on the Occasion of 50-year Reign of Queen Wilhelmina. Mauritshuis. | 1 | The Music Lesson (30, no. 10 and ill.) |
1948 Dec.–Mar. |
Copenhagen | Denmark | 1 | The Art of Painting | |
1949 | Cape Town | South Africa | Skilderye van ou Meesters uit de Beit- Versameling. Nationale Kunstmuseum. | 1 | Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (2 and 13, no. 35) |
1949 Apr. 10–Oct. 2 |
Schaffhausen | Switzerland | Rembrandt und seine Zeit. Museum zu Allerheiligen. | 1 | The Glass of Wine (76, no. 188 and ill.) |
1949 May 12 –3 Sept. |
London | Great Britain | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Tate Gallery. | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 191) |
1949 May 19-Dec. 31 |
Wiesbaden | Germany | Returned Masterworks. Zurückgekehrte Meisterwerke aus dem Besitz Berliner Museen. X. Ausstellung im Central Collecting Point. Landesmuseum Wiesbaden. | 1 | The Glass of Wine (no. 187) |
1949–1950 Nov. 20–Jan. 22 |
Washington D.C. | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. National Gallery of Art. | 1 | The Art of Painting (34, no. 124 and ill.. color, plate iv, as "The Artist in his Studio") |
1949–1950 | Cape Town | South Africa | Old Master Paintings from the Beit Collection. National Gallery of South Africa | 1 | Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid |
1950 Feb. 23–May 21 |
New York | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | The Art of Painting (34, no. 124 and ill. color, pl. iv, as "The Artist in his Studio") |
1950–1951 Nov. 9–Jan. 19 |
Chicago | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Chicago Art Institute. | 1 | The Art of Painting (34, no. 124 and ill.. color, plate iv, as "The Artist in his Studio") |
1950 | Los Angeles | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Chicago Art Institute. | 1 | The Art of Painting (34, no. 124 and ill.. color, plate iv, as "The Artist in his Studio") |
1950 Jun. 17–Sept. 17 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | 120 Beroemde schilderrijen uit het Kaiser-Friederich-Museum te Berlijn. Rijksmuseum. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (56, no. 112 and ill. 107) The Glass of Wine (no. 111) |
1950 Sept. 27–Dec. 27 |
Brüssel | Belgium | Chefs-d’oeuvre des musées de Berlin. Palais des Beaux-Arts Brüssel. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (no. 112 and ill. 107) The Glass of Wine (no. 111) |
1950–1951 Nov.–Apr. |
Delft | Netherlands | Het Koninklijke kabinet 'Het Mauritshuis' in het museum 'Het Prinsenhof' te Delft. Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof. | 3 | View of Delft (11, no. 25) Woman with a Pearl Earring (11, no. 27) Diana and her Companions (11, no. 26) |
1950–1951 Nov. 4–Feb. 11 |
Philadelphia | United States | Diamond Jubilee Exhibition: Masterpieces of Painting. Philadelphia Museum of Art. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no. 42) |
1950–1951 Nov.–Jan. |
Chicago | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Chicago Art Institute. | 1 | The Art of Painting (34, no. 124 and ill. color, pl. iv, as "The Artist in his Studio") |
1950–1951 Nov. 25–Feb. 18 |
Paris | France | Le Paysage hollandais au XVII siècle. Orangerie des Tuileries. | 1 | The Little Street (no. 98) |
1951 Feb. 20–May 10 |
Paris | France | Chef-d’oeuvre des Musées de Berlin. Petit Palais. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (no. 122) The Glass of Wine (no. 111) |
1951 Mar. 4–Apr. 22 |
St Louis | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Saint Louis Art Museum. | 1 | The Art of Painting |
1951 May–Jun. |
Toledo | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna collections. Toledo Museum of Art. | 1 | The Art of Painting |
1951 |
Milan | Italy | Mostra del Caravaggio e dei Caravaggeschi. Palazzo Reale. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (99, no. 187 and ill. 130) |
1951 Oct.–Jan. |
Boston | United States | Art treasures from the Vienna Collections. Museum of Fine Art. | 1 | The Art of Painting |
1951-1952 Sept. 9–Mar. |
Berlin | Germany | Meisterwerke aus den Berliner Museen. Europäische Malerei des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Museum Dahlem. |
2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (no. 129) The Glass of Wine (no. 111) |
1952 May 17–Aug. 12 |
Delft | Netherlands | Prisma der bijbelse kunst. Stedelijk Museum 'Het Prinsehof'. | 1 | Allegory of Faith (216–217, no. 324 and ill.) |
1952 May–Jul. |
Oslo | Norway | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 176) | |
1952 Jun. 15–Aug.3, |
Utrecht | Netherlands | Caravaggio en de Nederlanden. Centraal Museum. |
1 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (57–58, no. 92 and ill. 71) |
1952 Aug.–Nov. |
Innsbruck | Austria | 1 | The Art of Painting | |
1952–1953 Nov.–March |
London | Great Britain | Dutch Pictures 1450–1750. Royal Academy of Arts. | 2 | The Little Street (vol. 1: no. 529, 2: and ill. 13) The Music Lesson (vol. 1: no. 515, 2: and ill. 45) |
1952–1953 Nov. 7–Sept. 7 |
New York | United States | Art Treasures of the Metropolitan. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | A Maid Asleep (no. 117) |
1953 May 9–Nov. |
Berlin | Germany | Meisterwerke aus den Berliner Museen und Schlössern. Gemälde alter Meister. Gemälde aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Museum Dahlem Berlin. | 2 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (no. 86) The Glass of Wine (no. 87) |
1953 Nov. 4-20 |
Zurich | Switzerland | Hollander des 17. Jahrhunderts. Kunsthaus. | 3 | Diana and her Companions (72, no. 170 and ill. 27) The Milkmaid (72, no. 171 and ill. 28) The Art of Painting (no. 173) |
1953 | Vienna | Austria | Österreichs Amerika-Ausstellung "Kunstschätze aus Wien. Kunsthistorisches Museum. |
1 | The Art of Painting (no. 264) |
1953 Oct. 10–30 |
Dallas | United States | Trompe l'Oeil: Paintings that Fool the Eye by Masters from Vermeer to Dali. Dallas Museum of Art. | 1 | Allegory of Faith no catalogue |
1954 Jan. 4–Feb. 14 |
Rome | Italy | Mostra di pittura olandese del seicento. Palazzo delle Esposizioni. |
3 | Diana and her Companions (90, no. 175 and ill. 30 as "La toletta di Diana") The Milkmaid (90, no.176 and ill. 31, shown as "La cuciniera") The Art of Painting (90, no. 177 and ill. in cover, as L'atelier") |
1954 Feb. 25–Apr. 25 |
Milan | Italy | Mostra di pittura olandese del seicento. Palazzo Reale. | 3 | Diana and her Companions (no. 175 and ill. no. 30, as "La toletta di Diana") The Milkmaid (176, no. 31 and ill. no. 31, as ":La cuciniera" The Art of Painting (90, no. 177 and ill. in cover, as "L'atelier") |
1954 | New York | United States | Dutch Painting: The Golden Age. An Exhibition of Dutch Pitcures of Seventeenth Century. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 4 | Diana and her Companions (no. 6 and ill.) The Little Street (ill. 7) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (no. 111) The Love Letter (no. 86 and ill.) |
1954–1955 Jan. 2–Feb. 13 |
Toledo (OH) | United States | Dutch Painting: The Golden Age. An Exhibition of Dutch Pitcures of Seventeenth Century. Toledo Museum of Art | 4 | Diana and her Companions (plate #VI, between pages xx and xxi) The Little Street (plate #VII, between pages xxii and xxiii) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (86 and ill.) The Love Letter (87 and ill.) |
1954–1955 | Tornonto | Canada | Dutch Painting: The Golden Age. An Exhibition of Dutch Pitcures of Seventeenth Century. Art Gallery of Toronto | 1 | Diana and her Companions (plate #VI, between pages xx and xxi) The Little Street (plate #VII, between pages xxii and xxiii) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (86 and ill.) The Love Letter (87 and ill.) |
1956–1957 Dec.–Jan. |
Rome | Italy | Le XVII siècle Européen. Réalisme classique baroque. Palazzo delle Esposizioni. |
2 | The Little Street (246, no. 31 and pl. 28) The Love Letter (245–246, no. 310 and pl. 27h) |
1957 | Dublin | Irealnd | Paintings from Irish Collections. Municipal Gallery of Modern Art | 1 | Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid |
1959 Oct. 9–Dec. 6 |
Oslo | Norway | Fra Rembrandt til Vermeer. Nasjonalgallieret. |
2 | Diana and her Companions (no. 83) The Love Letter (no. 84) |
1964 | London | Great Britain | The Orange and the Rose. Holland and Britain in the Age of Observation 1600–1750. Victoria and Albertum Museum. |
1 | The Love Letter (44, no. 74 and ill. 5) |
1964–1965 | Delft & Antwerp | Netherlands & Belgium | De schilder in zijn wereld: Van Jan van Eyck tot Van Gogh en Ensor. Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft. | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 113, shown in Delft only) |
1966 Jun. 25–Sept. 5 |
The Hague | Netherlands | In het licht van Vermeer. Mauritshuis. |
10 | Diana and her Companions (no. I and ill.) The Milkmaid (no. II and ill.) View of Delft (no. III and ill.) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. IV and ill.) Young Girl with Pearl Earring (no. V and ill.) Study of a Young Woman (no. VI, lent by Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wrightsman, New York and Palm Beach) The Lacemaker (no. VII and ill.) The Guitar Player (no. VIII) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (no. X and ill.) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (no. XI and ill.) |
1966 Sept. 24–Nov. 28 |
Paris | France | Dans la lumière de Vermeer. Musée de l'Orangerie. |
12 | Diana and her Companions (no. I and ill.) The Milkmaid (no. II and ill.) View of Delft (no. III and ill.) The Little Street (no. IV and ill.) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. V and ill.) Girl with Pearl Earring (no. VI and ill.) Study of a Young Woman (no. VII and ill.) The Lacemaker (no. VIII and ill.) The Art of Painting (no. IX) The Astronomer (no. X and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (no. XI and ill.) A Lady Standing at a Virginal ((no. XII and ill.) |
1968 Oct. 19–Dec. 22 |
Tokyo | Japan | The Age of Rembrandt, Dutch Paintings and Drawings of the 17th Century. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (no. 69 and ill.) |
1967 Mar. 30–Apr. 30 |
Stockholm | Sweden | Holländska mästare. I svensk ägo. Nationalmuseum. |
1 | The Love Letter (26 and ill. 9) |
1969 Apr. 17–Jun. 15 |
New York | United States | Nissman, Joan. Florentine Art from American Collection. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. |
1 | Saint Praxedis (44–45, no. 39 and ill. 22, lent by Erna Reder) |
1969 Jan. 12–Mar. 2 |
Kyoto | Japan | The Age of Rembrandt, Dutch Paintings and Drawings of the 17th Century. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (no. 69 and ill.) |
1970 Sept. 16–Nov. 1 |
Boston | United States | Masterpieces of Painting in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Museum of Fine Arts. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (45, unnumbered cat.) |
1970–1971 Nov. 15–Feb. 15 |
New York | United States | Masterpieces of Fifty Centuries. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. |
1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 283) |
1970–1971 Nov. 17–Feb. 15 |
Paris | France | Le siécle de Rembrandt. Tableaux hollandais des collections publiques françaises. Musée du Petit Palais. |
1 | The Lacemaker (228–229, no. 222 and ill.) |
1971 Sept. 23–Nov. 21 |
Brussels | Belgium | Rembrandt en zijn tijd. Palaeis voor Schone Kunsten. | 1 | The Love Letter (132–133, no. 112 and ill.) |
1971 Jul.–Dec. |
London | Great Britain | Dutch Pictures from the Royal Collection. The Queen's Gallery. Buckingham Palace. | 1 | The Music Lesson (19 and 74, no. 10) |
1971 Oct. 5–Nov. 10 |
New York | United States | The Painter's Light. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. |
1 | Woman with a Lute (8, no. 13) |
1974 Sept.21–Nov. 24 |
Tokyo | Japan | Meisterwerke der Europäischen Kunst. Nationalmuseum for Western Art. | 1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
1974 Dec. 3–Jan. 26 1975 |
Kyoto | Japan | Meisterwerke der Europäischen Kunst. Nationalmuseum. |
1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
1975 May 22–Jul. 27 |
Leningrad (St. Petersburg) | Soviet Union | 100 Paintings from the Metroposlitan Museum. State Hermitage Museum. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no. 24) |
1975 Aug. 28–Nov. 2 |
Moscow | Soviet Union | 100 Paintings from the Metropolitan Museum. State Pushkin Museum. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no. 24) |
1976 | London | Great Britain | Art in Seventeenth-Century Holland. The National Gallery. | 2 | A Lady Standing at a Virginal (92–93, no. 116 and ill.) A Lady Seated at a Virginal (93, no. 117 and ill.) |
1976 Sept. 16–Dec. 5 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Tot lering en vermaak. Betekenissen van Hollande genrevoorstellingen uit de zeventiende eeuw. Rijksmuseum. | 1 | The Love Letter (268–271, no. 71 and ill.) |
1976 Oct. 13–Dec. 5 |
Paris | France | Chefs-d'oeuvre des Musées des Etats-Unis de Giorgione à Picasso. Musée Marmottan. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 18 and ill.) |
1976 | Leningrad (St. Petersburg) | Soviet Union | Zapadnoevropeiskaia i Amerikanskaia zhivopis is muzeev ssha (West European and American Painting from the Museums of USA). State Hermitage Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing (unpaginated and unnumbered catalogue) |
1976 | Moscow | Soviet Union | Zapadnoevropeiskaia i Amerikanskaia zhivopis is muzeev ssha [West European and American Painting from the Museums of USA]. State Pushkin Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing (unpaginated and unnumbered catalogue) |
1976 | Kiev | Soviet Union | Zapadnoevropeiskaia i Amerikanskaia zhivopis is muzeev ssha [West European and American Painting from the Museums of USA]. State Museums. | 1 | A Lady Writing (unpaginated and unnumbered catalogue) |
1976 | Minsk | Soviet Union | Zapadnoevropeiskaia i Amerikanskaia zhivopis is muzeev ssha [West European and American Painting from the Museums of USA]. State Museums. |
1 | A Lady Writing (unpaginated and unnumbered catalogue) |
1978 Sept. 6–Dec. 5 |
Brunswick | Germany | Die Klessmann, Rüdiger. Die Sprache der Bilder: Realität und Bedeutung in der niederlandischen Malerei des 17 Jarhunderts. Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum. | 1 | The Glass of Wine (164–168, no. 39 and ill.) Girl with a Glass of Wine ? |
1980 Apr.–Jun. |
Berlin | Germany | Restaurierte Kunstwerke in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republic. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. | 1 | The Procuress (no. 21) |
1980 Nov. 2–Jan. 4 |
Washington D.C. | United States | Gods, Saints and Heroes: Dutch Paintings in the Age of Rembrandt. National Gallery of Art. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (81, no. 54) |
1980 Feb. 16–Apr. 19 |
Detroit | United States | Gods, Saints and Heroes: Dutch Paintings in the Age of Rembrandt. Detroit institute of Arts. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (210–211 no. 54, and ill.) |
1981 May 18–Jul. 19 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Gods, Saints and Heroes: Dutch Paintings in the Age of Rembrandt. Detroit institute of Arts. | 1 | Diana and her Companions |
1982 |
Washington D.C. | United States | Mauritshuis, Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age. National Gallery of Art. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Earring (120–121, no. 38 and ill.) |
1984 | New York | United States | Stolbach, Michael Hunt. Inaugural Exhibition. Spencer A. Samuels Gallery. | 1 | Saint Praxedis (no. 14) |
1984 Jun. 8.–Aug. 12 |
Berlin | Germany | Von Frans Hals bis Vermeer. Meisterwerke Holländischer Genremalerei. Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. |
1 | The Glass of Wine |
1984 Mar. 18–May 13 |
Philadelphia | United States | Masters of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting. Philadelphia Museum of Art. | 3 | Woman with a Lute (no. 117) Woman Holding a Balance342–343, no. 118 and ill.) The Music Lesson (344–345, no. 119 and ill. 109) |
1984 24 Apr.–10 Jun. |
Tokyo | Japan | Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age from the Royal Picture Gallery. National Musem of Western Art. | 2 | Diana and her Companions (108–109, no.39 and ill.) Girl with a Pearl Earring (110–111, no.40 and ill., as "Head of a Girl") |
1984 Jun. 8–Aug. 12 |
Berlin | Germany | Masters of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting. Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz. | 3 | Woman with a Lute (no. 117) Woman Holding a Balance (no. 118) The Music Lesson (344–345, no. 119 and ill. 109) |
1984 Sept. 7–Nov. 18 |
London | Great Britain | Masters of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting. Royal Academy of Arts. | 3 | Woman with a Lute (no. 117) Woman Holding a Balance (no. 118) The Music Lesson (344–345, no. 119 and ill. 109) |
1984 Oct. 10–Nov. 18 |
Moscow | U.S.S.R. | Gerettete Meisterwerke. Puschkin Museum. | 1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
1984 Dec. 6–Jan. 20, 1985 |
Leningrad | U.S.S.R. | Gerettete Meisterwerke. Hermitage. | 1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
1984 24 Apr.–10 Jun. |
Tokyo | Japan | Dutch Painting of Golden Age from the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | Glass of Wine |
1986 Feb.19–June 30 |
Paris | France | De Rembrandt à Vermeer: Les peintres hollandais au Mauritshuis à la Haye. Grand Palais. | 2 | View of Delft (350–557, no. 53, ill.) Woman with a Pearl Earring (358–362, no. 54 and ill.) |
1987 | Tokyo | Japan | Space in European Art: Council of Europe Exhibition in Japan. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 86) |
1989 | Leningrad | Russia | Masterpieces of Western European Painting of the XVIth-XXth Centuries from the Museums of the European Countries and USA. State Hermitage Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 14 and ill.) |
1990 | Warsaw | Poland | Opus Sacrum. Catalogue of the Exhibition from the collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson. Royal Castle. |
1 | Saint Praxedis (11, 272–277, no. 48 and ill.) |
1990–1991 | San Francisco | United States | Great Dutch Paintings from America, Mauritshuis, The Hague. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, M. H. de Young Memorial Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 67 and ill., as "A Girl Writing a Letter") |
1991 | Cracow | Poland | Jan Vermeer van Delft (1632–1675). Saint Praxedis: An Exhibition of a Painting from the Collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson. International Cultural Center/The Warsaw Royal Castle. | 1 | Saint Praxedis (8–28, and several ills.) |
1992–1993 Oct. 2–Jan. 6 |
Stockholm | Sweden | Rembrandt och Hans Tid. Nationalmuseum. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no. 128) |
1992 | Edinburgh | Scotland | Dutch Art and Scotland: A Reflection of Taste. National Gallery of Scotland. | 1 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (150–151, no. 71 and ill.) |
1992–1993 Dec. 13–Apr. 11 |
Athens | Greece | From El Greco to Cézanne: Masterpieces of European Painting from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. National Gallery Alexandros Soutzos Museum. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no. 14) |
1993–1994 | Frankfurt | Germany | Leselust: Niederländische Malerei von Rembrandt bis Vermeer. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 85 and ill.) |
1995–1996 | Washington D.C. | United States | Dutch Cabinet Galleries. National Gallery of Art. |
3 | Girl with a Red Hat (no. 14and ill.) Girl with a Flute (no. cat. as "Young Girl with a Flute") Woman Holding a Balance (no cat.) |
1995–1996 Nov. 12–Feb. 11 |
Washington D.C. | United States | Johannes Vermeer. National Gallery of Art. | 21 | Saint Praxedis (86–89, no.1 and ill.) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (90–95, no. 2 and ill.) Diana and her Companions (96–101, no. 3 and ill.) The Little Street (102–107, no. 4 and ill.) Girl with a Glass of Wine (114–119, no. 6 and ill.) View of Delft (120–127, no. 7 and ill.) A Lady at the Virginal with a Gentleman (The Music Lesson) (128–133, no. 8 and ill.) Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (134–139, no. 9 and ill.) Woman Holding a Balance (140–145, no. 10 and ill.) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (146–151, no. 11 and ill.) Woman with a Pearl Necklace (152–155, no. 12 and ill.) A Lady Writing (156–159, no. 13 and ill.) Girl with the Red Hat (160–165, no. 14 and ill.) Girl with a Pearl Earring (166–169, no. 15 and ill.) The Geographer (170–175, no. 16 and ill.) The Lacemaker (176–179, no.17 and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid (186–189, no. 19 and ill.) Allegory of Faith (190–195, no. 20 and ill.) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (196–199 and ill.) A Lady Seated at a Virginal (200–203 and ill.) Girl with a Flute (204–208, no. 23 as "Young Girl with a Flute" by Circle of Johannes Vermeer, and ill.) |
1996 Mar. 1–Jun. 2 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Johannes Vermeer. Royal Cabinet of Paintings Mauritshuis. | 23 | Saint Praxedis (86–89, no.1 and ill.) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (90–95, no. 2 and ill.) Diana and her Companions (96–101, no. 3 and ill.) The Little Street (102–107, no. 4 and ill.) The Milkmaid (108–113, no. 5 and ill…not shown in Washington D.C.) Girl with a Glass of Wine (114–119, no. 6 and ill.) View of Delft (120–127, no. 7 and ill.) A Lady at the Virginal with a Gentleman (The Music Lesson) (128–133, no. 8 and ill.) Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (134–139, no. 9 and ill.) Woman Holding a Balance (140–145, no. 10 and ill.) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (146–151, no. 11 and ill.) Woman with a Pearl Necklace (152–155, no. 12 and ill.) A Lady Writing (156–159, no. 13 and ill.) Girl with the Red Hat (160–165, no. 14 and ill.) Girl with a Pearl Earring (166–169, no. 15 and ill.) The Geographer (170–175, no. 16 and ill.) The Lacemaker(176–179, no.17 and ill.) The Love Letter (180–185, no. 18 and ill., not shown in Washington D.C.) Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid (186–189, no. 19 and ill.o) Allegory of Faith (190–195, no. 20 and ill.) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (196–199, no. 21 and ill.) A Lady Seated at a Virginal(200–203, no. 22 and ill.) Girl with a Flute (204–208, no. 23 as "Young Girl with a Flute" by Circle of Johannes Vermeer and ill.) |
1997 Jan.1–Mar.16 |
Paris | France | L'Astronome et le Géographe de Vermeer, Napoléon, Exposition Temporaire sous pyramide. Musée du Louvre | 2 | The Geographer (no.1) The Astronomer (no.2) |
1997 | Frankfurt | Germany | Johannes Vermeer: der Geograph und der Astronom nach 200 Jahren wieder vereint. Städelschen Kunstinstitut. | 2 | The Geographer (no.1) The Astronomer (no.2) |
1998 | Monaco | Principality of Monaco | Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675): Sainte Praxède/Saint Praxedis). Musée de la Chapelle de la Visitation. | 1 | Saint Praxedis |
1998 May 17–Aug. 9 |
Washington D.C. | United States | A Collector's Cabinet. National Gallery of Art. | 3 | Girl with a Red Hat (no. 60) Woman Holding a Balance (no. 61, fig. 14) Girl with a Flute (no. 62) |
1999–2000 24 Nov.–8 Feb. |
Washington D.C. | United States | Johannes Vermeer's "The Art of Painting." National Gallery of Art. | 6 | Saint Praxedis The Art of Painting A Lady Writing Girl with a Red Hat (brochure, fig. 11) Girl with a Flute Woman Holding a Balance (brochure, fig. 9) |
1999 Jan. 30-Apr. 4 |
Kyoto | Japan | Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 83 and ill.) |
1999 | Tokyo | Japan | Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. National Art Center. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 83 and ill.) |
1999–2000 Sept. 15–Jan. |
Rotterdam | Netherlands | Dutch Classicism in Seventeenth-Century Painting. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (no. 62) |
2000 Feb. 9–Aprli 30 |
Frankfurt | Germany | Dutch Classicism in Seventeenth-Century Painting. Städelsches Kunstinstitut in Frankfurt. | 1 | Diana and her Companions (no. 62) |
2000 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | The Glory of Golden Age: Dutch Art of Seventeenth Century. Rijksmuseum. |
3 | The Glass of Wine (198, no. 137 and ill.) The Milkmaid (197, no. 136 and ill.) The Little Street (201, no. 138 and ill.) |
2000 4 Apr.–2 Jul. |
Osaka | Japan | The Public and the Private in the Age of Vermeer. Osaka Municipal Museum of Art. | 5 | Saint Praxedis (174–177, no. 31 and ill.) Woman with a Lute (178–181, no. 32 and ill.) Woman Holding a Balance (182–185, no. 33 and ill.) Girl with a Pearl Earring (186–189, no. 34 and ill.) The Geographer (190–193, no. 35 and ill.) |
2001 Mar. 8–May 27 |
New York | United States | Vermeer and the Delft School. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 16 | Diana and her Companions (359–362, no. 64 and ill.) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (no. 65) The Procuress (no. 66) A Maid Asleep (no. 6, shown only in New York) The Milkmaid (no. 69) The Glass of Wine (no. 70) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 71 and ill) Woman with a Lute (no.72) Woman Holding a Balance (no. 73 and ill., as "Woman with a Balance") Girl with a Red Hat (no. 7 and ill.) Study of a Young Woman (no. 75, shown only in New York) The Art of Painting (no. 76) Allegory of Faith (no. 77) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (no. 78) A Lady Seated at a Virginal (no. 79) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (not in catalogue) |
2001 Jun. 20–Sept. 16 |
London | Great Britain | Vermeer and the Delft School. National Gallery. | 14 | Diana and her Companions (no. 64) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (no. 65) The Procuress (no. 66) The Little Street (no. 68, shown only in London) The Milkmaid (no. 69) The Glass of Wine (no. 70) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 71) Woman with a Lute (no.72) Woman Holding a Balance (no. 73 and ill., as "Woman with a Balance") Girl with a Red Hat (no. 74 and ill.) The Art of Painting (no. 76) Allegory of Faith (no. 77) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (no. 78) A Lady Seated at a Virginal (no. 79) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (not in catalogue) |
2001–2002 Oct. 17–Jan. 20 |
Newark | United States | Art and Home: Dutch Interiors in the Age of Rembrandt. Newark Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 108, fig. 108, shown only in Denver) |
2002 Mar. 2–May 26 |
Denver | United States | Art and Home: Dutch Interiors in the Age of Rembrandt. Denver Art Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing (no. 108, fig. 108) |
2003 Feb.14–May 11 |
Kassel | Germany | Johannes Vermeer: Der Geograph. Die Wissenschaft der Malerei (The Geographer. The Science of Painting). Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Museen Kassel. | 1 | The Geographer |
2003 |
Madrid | Spain | Vermeer y el interior holandés. Museo Nacional del Prado. |
9 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window (165–167, no. 32 and ill.) Girl with a Glass of Wine (168–169 no. 33 and ill.) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (170–171, no. 34 and ill.) Woman Holding a Balance (172–173, no. 35 and ill.) Woman with a Pearl Necklace (174–175, no. 36 and ill.) Girl with a Red Hat (176–177, no. 37 and ill.) The Art of Painting (178–181, no.38 and ill.) The Love Letter (182–183, no. 39 and ill.) A Lady Standing at A Virginal (184–185, no. 40 and ill.) |
2003 Oct. 1–Dec. 31 |
Dublin | Ireland | Love Letters: Dutch Genre Painting in the Age of Vermeer. National Gallery of Ireland. |
3 | A Lady Writing (no. 38, fig. 55 and ill. 181, shown only in Dublin). The Love Letter (no. 38 bis, fig. 58 and ill. 185, shown only in Dublin) Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid (no. 39, fig. 59 and ill. 187) |
2003–2004 Nov. 19–Feb. 22 |
Boston | United States | Dutch interiors in the Age of Vermeer: A Rare Vermeer comes to Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. |
1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher |
2004 Jan. 30–May 1 |
Greenwich (CT) | United States | Love Letters: Dutch Genre Paintings in the Age of Vermeer. Bruce Museum of Arts and Science. |
1 | Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid (no. 39, fig. 59 and ill., 187 and ill.) |
2004 Mar. 1–Sept. 6 |
Jackson (MS) | United States | The Glory of Baroque. Mississippi Arts Pavilion. |
1 | The Procuress (no catalogue) |
2004–2005 Aug. 11–Apr. 26, 2005 |
Philadelphia | United States | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal by Johannes Vermeer. Philadelphia Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (no catalogue) |
2004 Oct. 23–Jan. 9, 2005 |
Rotterdam | Netherlands | Senses and Sins: Dutch Painters of Daily Life in the Seventeenth Century. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. | 3 | Woman with a Lute (no. 68) A Lady Writing (no. 6 and ill.) The Geographer |
2004 Dec. 3–Feb. 27, 2005 |
Dresden | Germany | Das restaurierte meisterwerk: "Die Kupplerin" von Vermeer (The Restored Masterpiece: "The Procuress by Vermeer). Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. | 1 | The Procuress |
2005 Jan.–May 22 |
Kobe | Japan | Dresden-Spiegel der Welt. Die Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden in Japan. Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. | 1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
2005 Feb. 10–May 10 |
Frankfurt | Germany | Senses and Sins: Dutch Painters of Daily Life in the Seventeenth Century. Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie. | 5 | Woman with a Lute (no. 68) A Lady Writing (no. 69 and ill.) The Love Letter The Geographer The Lacemaker |
2005 Feb. 11–Oct. 30 |
London | Great Britain | Enchanting the Eye: Dutch Painters of the Golden Age. The Royal Collection, Buckingham Palace. | 1 | The Music Lesson |
2005 Mar. 25–Jun. 26 |
The Hague | Netherlands | De Weense Vermeer, een bijzonder bruikleen (The Vienna Vermeer, an exceptional loan). Mauritshuis. | 1 | The Art of Painting |
2005 Jun. 24–Oct. 20 |
Melbourne | Australia | Dutch Masters from the Rijksmuseum. National Gallery of Victoria. | 1 | The Love Letter |
2005 Jun. 28–Sept. 19 |
Tokyo | Japan | Dresden-Spiegel der Welt. Die Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden in Japan. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
2007 Apr. 15–Jul. 15 |
Modena | Italy | Vermeer. La ragazza alla spinetta e i pittori di Delft. Galleria Estense. | 1 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal (134–135, no. 18 and ill.) |
2006 Apr. 27–Jun. 18 |
Rome | Italy | Una lettera d'amore dall'Olanda: Vermeer a Palazzo Barberini. Galleria d'arte antica di Palazzo Barberini. | 1 | The Love Letter (no catalogue) |
2007–2008 Sept. 18–Jan. 6 |
New York | United States | The Age of Rembrandt: Dutch Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 4 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher A Maid Asleep Woman with a Lute Allegory of Faith (no catalogue) |
2007 Sept. 26–Dec. 17 |
Tokyo | Japan | "The Milkmaid" by Vermeer and Dutch Genre Painting: Masterworks from the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. The National Art Center. | 1 | The Milkmaid (48, no. 1 and ill.) |
2008 Apr. 19–Jul. 13 |
Newcastle upon Tyne | Great Britain | Love is in the Air. Laing Art Gallery. | 1 | A Lady Standing at a Virginal (no catalogue) |
2008 Jun. 3–Nov. 2 |
New York | United States | Frick's Vermeers Reunited. Frick Collection. | 1 | Girl Interrupted in her Music Maid and Mistress Officer and Laughing Girl |
2008 Aug. 2–Dec. 14 |
Tokyo | Japan | Vermeer and the Delft Style. Metropolitan Art Museum. | 7 | Diana and her Companions (168–170, no. 26 and ill.) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (164–166, no. 25 and ill.) The Little Street (172–174, no. 26 and ill.) The Glass of Wine (176–178, no 28 and ill.) Woman with a Lute (180–182, no. 29 and ill.) The Art of Painting (184–188, no. 30 and ill.) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (?) (190–192, no. 31 and ill.) |
2008–2009 Oct. 2–Jan. 18 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | 125 grote liefdes. Met steun van de Vereniging Rembrandt. Van Gogh Museum. | 1 | The Love Letter |
2008–2009 Oct. 11, 2008–Jan. 11, 2009 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Pride and Place: Dutch Cityscapes of the Golden Age. Mauritshuis. | 1 | View of Delft (185–188, no. 49 and ill.) |
2008 Oct. 12–Sept. 6 |
Atlanta | United States | The Louvre and the Masterpiece. The High Museum of Art. | 1 | The Astronomer |
2008–2009 Oct. 24 Feb. 1 |
New York | United States | The Philippe de Montebello Years: Curators Celebrate Three Decades of Acquisitions. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Study of a Young Woman (online catalogue) |
2008 Nov. 7–Feb. 2 |
Pasadena | United States | Vermeer's A Lady Writing from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. Norton Simon Museum. | 1 | A Lady Writing |
2008–2009 Dec. 29–Nov. 30 |
New York | United States | Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2008–2009 Nov. 11–Feb. 15 |
Rome | Italy | Da Rembrandt a Vermeer. Valori civili nella pittura fiamminga e olandese del '600 Fondazione Roma. Museo del Corso. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (104–105, no. 33 and ill.) |
2009 Mar. 11–Jun. 1 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Woman Holding a Balance. Rijksmuseum. | 1 | Woman Holding a Balance(no cataloge) |
2009 May 9–Sept. 13 |
Vancouver | Canada | Vermeer, Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art: Masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum. Vancouver Art Gallery. | 1 | The Love Letter |
2009 Sept. 9–Nov. 29 |
New York | United States | Vermeer's Masterpiece: The Milkmaid. Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 6 | The Milkmaid A Maid Asleep (no. 6 and ill.) Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 7 and ill.) Woman with a Lute (no. 8 and ill.) Study of a Young Woman (no. 9 and ill.) Allegory of Faith (no. 10 and ill.) |
2009–2010 Oct. 7–Feb. 7, |
Paris | France | The Dutch Golden Age: From Rembrandt to Vermeer. Pinacothèque de Paris. | 1 | The Love Letter (23, no. 126 and ill.) |
2009–2010 Oct. 18–Jan. 19 |
Minneapolis, Minnesota | United States | The Night Sky in the Age of Vermeer: The Astronomer in Context. Minneapolis Institute of Arts. | 1 | The Astronomer |
2009–2015 Dec. 2009 – May 2015 |
Brunswick | Germany |
1 | Girl with a Wine Glass |
2010 Jan. 25–Apr. 25 |
Vienna | Austria | Vermeer: The Art of Painting. Kunsthistorisches Museum Maria Theresien-Platz. | 1 | The Art of Painting (no. 1 and ill.) |
2010 Jun. 1–Jan. 1 |
Norfolk, Virginia | United States | Chrysler Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2010 May 12–Aug. 22 |
The Hague | Netherlands | The Young Vermeer. Mauritshuis. | 3 | Diana and her Companions (26–29, no. 1 and ill) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (30–35, no. 2 and ill.) The Procuress (36–47, no. 3 and ill.) |
2010 Sept. 3–Dec. 28 |
Dresden | Germany | The Young Vermeer. Old Masters Picture Gallery. | 4 | Diana and her Companions (26–29, no. 1 and ill.) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (30–35, no. 2 and ill.) The Procuress (36–47, no.3 and ill.) Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window(not shown in Dublin or The Hague) |
2010–2011 Oct. 7–Jan. 23 |
Bilbao | Spain | The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Painting from the Städel Museum. Guggenheim. | 1 | The Geographer |
2010−2011 Dec. 10 –Mar. 13 |
Edinburgh | Great Britain | The Young Vermeer. National Gallery of Scotland. | 3 | Diana and her Companions (26–29, no. 1 and ill) Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (30–35, no. 2 and ill.) The Procuress (36–47, no. 3 and ill.) |
2011 Mar. |
London | Great Britain | Masterpiece a Month: Presiding Genius Johannes Vermeer–A Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman (The Music Lesson). The Dulwich Picture Gallery. |
1 | The Music Lesson |
2011 Mar. 11–Jun. 6 |
Doha | Qatar | The Golden Age of Dutch Painting, Masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum. Museum of Islamic Art. | 1 | The Love Letter |
2011 Mar. 17–Jun. 19 |
Munich | Germany | Vermeer in Munich: King Max I Joseph of Bavaria as a Collector of Old Masters. Alte Pinakothek. | 1 | Woman Holding a Balance (no. 1 and ill.) |
2011 Jun. 11–Aug. 28 |
Aichi | Japan | The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Painting from the Städel Museum. Toyota Municipal Museum of Aichi. | 1 | The Geographer |
2011 Jun. 25–Oct 16 |
Kyoto | Japan | Communication: Visualizing Human Connection in the Age of Vermeer. Municipal Museum of Art. | 3 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (128, no. 41 and ill.) A Lady Writing (no. 42 and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (132, no. 43 and ill.) |
2011 Jun. 8–Sept. 26 |
Pasadena | United States | The Norton Simon Museum Presents Vermeer's Woman with a Lute. On Loan from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Norton Simon Museum. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no catalogue) |
2011 Oct. 14–Nov. 6 |
St Petersburg | Russia | Love Letter by Vermeer. From the collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. In the Masterpieces from the World's Museums in the Hermitage series. New Hermitage. | 1 | The Love Letter |
2011 Oct. 27–Dec. 12 |
Sendai | Japan | Communication: Visualizing Human Connection in the Age of Vermeer. Miyagi Museum of Art. | 3 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (128, no. 41 and ill.) |
2011 Oct. 5–Jan. 15 |
Cambridge | Great Britain | Vermeer's Women: Secrets and Silence. The Fitzwilliam Museum. | 4 | The Music Lesson (204, no. 26 and no. 27 and ill.) |
2011 Nov. 18–Feb. 26 |
Kassel | Germany | Light Structure–The Light in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Museum Hessen. | 1 | The Glass of Wine (94–96, no. 30) |
2011–2012 Dec. 23–Mar. 14 |
Tokyo | Japan | Communication: Visualizing Human Connection in the Age of Vermeer. The Bunkamura Museum of Art. | 3 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (128, no. 41 and ill.) A Lady Writing (no. 42 and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid (132, no. 43 and ill.) |
2012 Jan.–Sept. |
Oxford | Great Britain | Young Woman Seated at a Virginals. Ashmolean Museum. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2012 Jan. 21–May 6 |
Rimini | Italy | Da Vermeer a Kandisky. Castel Sismondo. | 1 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (76 and ill.) |
2012 Feb. 21–Jun. 10 |
Istanbul | Turkey | Where Darkness Meets Light…Rembrandt and his Contemporaries. Sakip Sabanci Museum. | 1 | The Love Letter (210, no. 93) |
2012 Apr. 28–Jun. 30, 2014 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Meesters uit het Mauritshuis Zes eeuwen kunst onder een dak. (Highlights Mauritshuis in Gemeentemuseum The Hague). Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. | 1 | View of Delft |
2012 Jun. 13–Sept. 17 |
Tokyo | Japan | From Renaissance to Rococo. Four Centuries of European Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (174–175, no. 62 and ill.) |
2012 Jun. 30–Sept. 17 |
Tokyo | Japan | Masterpieces from the Royal Picture Gallery. Tokyo Art Museum. | 1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring Diana and her Companions |
2012 Aug. 9–Labour Day (about) |
Detroit | United States | Detroit Institue of Art. | 1 | Woman Holding a Balance |
2012 Oct.1–Jan. 21 |
Kobe |
Japan | Masterpieces from the Royal Picture Gallery. City Museum Kobe. | 1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring |
2012 Oct. 1–Oct. 31 |
Shanghai | China | China Art Palace. | 1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter |
2012–2013 Sept. 27.–Jan. 20 |
Rome | Italy | Vermeer. Il secolo d'oro dell'arte olandese. Scuderie del Quirinale. | 8 | St Praxedis (?) (200, no. 45a and ill.) Girl with a Glass of Wine (210. no. 47 and ill.) The Little Street (206, no. 46 and ill.) Girl with a Red Hat (216, no. 49 and ill.) Woman with a Lute (214, no. 48 and ill.) Lady Standing at a Virginal (224, no. 52 and ill.) Allegory of Faith (218, no. 50 and ill.) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (220, no. 51 and ill.) |
2012–2013 Dec. 12–Feb. 10 |
São Paulo | Brazil | Vermeer - Mulher de Azul Lendo uma Carta. Museu de Arte in São Paulo. | 1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter |
2013 Jan. 26–Jun. 2 |
San Francisco | United States | Masterpieces from the Royal Picture Gallery. M. H. de Young Memorial Museum. | 1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring |
2013 Feb. 16–Mar. 31 |
Los Angeles | United States | Johannes Vermeer's Woman in Blue Reading a Letter. J. Paul Getty Museum. | 1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter |
2013 26 Jun.–8 Sept. |
London | Great Britain | Vermeer and Music: Love and Leisure in the Dutch Golden Age. National Gallery of Art. | 5 | Music Lesson (62, no. 21 and ill.) The Guitar Player (68, no. 24 and ill.) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (65, no.22 and ill.) A Lady Seated at a Virginal (66, no. 23 and ill.) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (70, no. 25 and ill.) |
2013 Jun. 22–Sept. 29 |
Atlanta | United States | Masterpieces from the Royal Picture Gallery. High Museum of Art. | 1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring |
2013 Oct. 22–Jan. 12 |
New York | United States | Masterpieces from the Royal Picture Gallery. The Frick Collection. | 1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring |
2013–2014 Oct. 26, 2013–Sept. 21, 2014 |
Philadelphia | United States | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal by Johannes Vermeer. Philadelphia Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2014 Feb. 8–May 25 |
Bologna | Italy | La ragazza con l'orecchino di perla: Il mito della Golden Age. Da Vermeer a Rembrandt capolavori dal Mauritshuis. Palazzo Fava. |
1 | Girl with a Pearl Earring Diana and her Companions |
2014–2015 Oct 8–April 12 |
Dublin | Ireland | Lines of Vision. Irish Writers at the National Gallery of Ireland. National Gallery of Ireland | 1 | Woman Writing a Letter with her Maid |
2014–2015 Oct. 12–Jan. 4 |
Raleigh (NC) | United States | Small Treasures: Rembrandt, Vermeer, Hals and their Contemporaries. North Carolina Museum of Art. | 2 | Girl with a Red Hat (231, no. 43 and ill.) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (225, no. 44 and ill.) |
2014–2015 Oct. 31–Feb. 15 |
Budapest |
Hungry |
Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age. Szépművészeti Múzeum. | 3 | The Astronomer The Geographer Allegory of Faith |
2015 Jan. 16–May 3 |
Minneapolis, (MN) | United States | Centennial Exhibition. Minneapolis Institute of Arts. |
1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (no catalogue) |
2015 Feb. 21–Jun. 1 |
Tokyo | Japan | Louvre Museum: Genre Paintings: Scenes from Daily Life. The National Art Center. | 1 | The Astronomer (no. 30 and ill.) |
2015 Mar. 7–May 3 |
San Francisco | United States | Botticelli to Braque: Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland. M. H. de Young Memorial Museum. |
1 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (52, no. 15 and ill. 53) |
2015 May 14–Sept. 11 |
San Diego | United States | The Private World of Vermeer. The Timken Museum. | 1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (no catalogue) |
2015 Jun. 28–Sept. 20 |
Fort Worth (TX) | United States | Botticelli to Braque: Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland. Kimbell Art Museum. |
1 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary |
2015 Sept. 19–Dec. 1 |
Washington D.C. | United States | Vermeer's Woman in Blue Reading a Letter from the Rijksmuseum. National Gallery of Art. |
1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (no catalogue) |
2015–2016 Oct. 7–Jan. 24 |
Franfurt | Germany | Masterworks in Dialogue. Eminent Guests for the Anniversary. Städel Museum. | 2 | The Geographer Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid |
2015–2016 Oct. 11–Jan. 18 |
Boston | United States | Class Distinctions: Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Museum of Fine Arts. purchase catalogue at |
2 | A Lady Writing (137, 151–52, 170, cat. no. 31 and ill.) The Astronomer (171, no. 32 and ill.) |
2015–2016 Oct. 24–Jan. 14 |
Sydney | Australia | The Greats: Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland. The Art Gallery of New South Wales. | 1 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (62, no. 13 and ill.) |
2015 Oct. 24–Jan. 5 |
Kyoto | Japan | Vermeer and Painters of the Dutch Golden Age. Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 48) |
2015–2016 Nov. 13–Feb. 14 |
London | Great Britain | Masters of the Everyday: Dutch Artists in the Age of Vermeer. An exhibition from the British Royal Collection. The Mauritshuis. purchase catalogue at |
1 | The Music Lesson |
2016 Jan. 17–Aug. 21 |
Dallas | United States | Vermeer Suite: Music in 17th-Century Dutch Painting. Dallas Museum of Art. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (no catalogue) |
2016 Jan. 14 Mar. 31 |
Tokyo | Japan | Vermeer and Rembrandt: The Masters of the 17th Century Dutch Golden Age. Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art, Huntington T. Block Insurance Agency, Inc. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 48) |
2016 Feb. 4–May 29 |
Kansas City | United States | Reflecting Class in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. |
1 | A Lady Writing |
2016 Mar. 4–Jul. 24 |
Edinburgh | Scotland | Masters of the Everyday: Dutch Artists in the Age of Vermeer. An exhibition from the British Royal Collection. The Queen's Gallery. Palace of Holyroodhouse. purchase catalogue at |
1 | The Music Lesson |
2016 Aug. 27–Nov. 20 |
Frankfurt am Main | Germany | Masterpieces from the World's Museums in the Hermitage. Hermitage, St. Petersburg. |
1 | The Geographer |
2016 Mar. 25 – Jul. 17 |
Delft | Netherlands | Vermeer is Coming Home (Vermeer komt Thuis). Museum Prinsenhof Delft, Delft. | 1 | The Little Street |
2016 Apr. 6–May 8 |
Fukushima City | Japan | Vermeer and Rembrandt: The Masters of the 17th Century Dutch Golden Age. Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art, Huntington T. Block Insurance Agency, Inc. | 1 | Young Woman with a Water Pitcher (no. 48) |
2016–2017 Sept. 29–Jan. 8 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Masters of the Everyday: Dutch Artists in the Age of Vermeer. An exhibition from the British Royal Collection. The Mauritshuis. purchase catalogue at |
1 | The Music Lesson |
2016 Nov. 1–Dec. 18 |
Norfolk | United States | A Lady Writing. Chrysler Museum of Art. | 1 | A Lady Writing |
2016–2017 Nov. 21–Feb 9 |
Naples | Italy | Naples, Pinacoteca di Capodimonte. |
1 | Woman Playing a Lute |
2017 Feb. 20–May 22 |
Paris | France | Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting: Inspiration and Rivalry. Louvre. purchase catalogue at |
12 | The Milkmaid (section 17, no. 2., ill. 205) Exhibited in Paris only. Woman with a Pearl Necklace (section 6, no. 4, ill. page 148) Woman with a Lute (section 5, no. 2, ill. page 142) Woman with a Balance (section 14, no. 2, ill. page 192) Lady Writing (section 2, no.3, ill. page 126) The Astronomer (section 18, no.3, ill. page 210) The Geographer (section 18, no.4, ill. page 211) The Lacemaker (section 15, no.4, ill. page 194) Woman Writing a Letter with her Maid (section 1, no. 6, ill. page 120) Woman Seated at a Virginal (section 4, no. 3, ill. Page 138) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (section 4, no.2, ill. page 137) Exhibited in Paris only. Allegory of Faith Exhibited in Paris only. |
2017 Jun. 17–3 Sept. |
Beijing | China | Rembrandt and His Time: Masterpieces from The Leiden Collection. National Museum of China. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2017–2018 Sept. 23–Feb. 25 |
Shanghai | China | Rembrandt, Vermeer and Hals in the Dutch Golden Age: Masterpieces from The Leiden Collection. Long Museum, West Bund. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2017 Jun. 17–Sept. 17 |
Dublin | Ireland | Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting: Inspiration and Rivalry. National Gallery of Ireland. purchase catalogue at |
10 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (section 6, no. 4, ill. page 148) Woman with a Lute (section 5, no. 2, ill. page 142) Woman with a Balance (section 14, no. 2, ill. page 192) Lady Writing (section 2, no.3, ill. page 126) The Astronomer (section 18, no.3, ill. page 210) The Geographer (section 18, no.4, ill. page 211) The Love Letter (section 21, no.3, ill. Page 228) The Lacemaker (section 15, no.4, ill. page 194) Woman Writing a Letter with her Maid (section 1, no. 6, ill. page 120) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (section 4, no.2, ill. page 137) |
2017–2018 Oct. 22–Jan. 21 |
Washington |
United States | Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting: Inspiration and Rivalry. National Gallery of Art. purchase catalogue at |
10 | Woman with a Pearl Necklace (section 6, no. 4, ill. page 148) Woman with a Lute (section 5, no. 2, ill. page 142) Woman with a Balance (section 14, no. 2, ill. page 192) Lady Writing (section 2, no.3, ill. page 126) The Astronomer (section 18, no.3, ill. page 210) The Geographer (section 18, no.4, ill. page 211) The Love Letter (section 21, no.3, ill. Page 228) Exhibited in Washington and Dublin only. The Lacemaker (section 15, no.4, ill. page 194) Woman Writing a Letter with her Maid (section 1, no. 6, ill. page 120) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (section 4, no.2, ill. page 137) |
2017–2018 Nov. 11–Feb. 18 |
Sydney | Australia | 1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter | |
2018–2019 Mar. 28–July 22 |
Moscow | Russia | The Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer: Masterpieces of The Leiden Collection. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2018 Sept.5–Jan. 13 |
St. Petersburg | Russia | The Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer: Masterpieces of The Leiden Collection. The State Hermitage Museum. | 1 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2018–2019 Oct. 5–Feb. 3 |
Tokyo | Japan | Making the Difference : Vermeer and Dutch Art. Ueno Royal Museum | 9 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary The Procuress The Milkmaid The Glass of Wine Woman with a Lute Woman with a Pearl Necklace A Lady Writing Girl with a Red Hat Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid |
2018–2023 Oct. 16, 2018–Sept. 17, 2023 |
New York | United States | In Praise of Painting: Dutch Masterpieces at The Met. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | 4 | A Maid Asleep Young Woman with a Water Pitcher Study of a Young Woman Allegory of Faith |
2019 Feb. 14–May 18 |
Adu Dhabi | United Arab Republic | Rembrandt, Vermeer and the Dutch Golden Age: Masterpieces from the Leiden collection and the Musée du Louvre. Louvre Abu Dhabi. | 2 | Young Woman Seated at a Virginal The Lacemaker |
2019 Feb. 16–May 12 |
Osaka | Japan | Making the Difference: Vermeer and Dutch Art. Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts. | 1 | Woman with a Lute (no. 44) |
2019 Jun 25–Sept 29, 2019 |
Madrid | Spain | Velázquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer. Parallel visions. Museo Nacional del Prado. Madrid purchase catalogue at |
2 | The Geographer The Little Street |
2019-2020 Oct. 10- Jan. 19 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Rembrandt-Velázquez.: Dutch and Spanish Masters. Rijksmuseum purchase catalogue at |
1 | The Little Street |
2020 Jun.18–Oct.18 |
Tokyo | Japan | Masterpieces from the National Gallery. National Museum of Western Art. | 1 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal |
2020-2021 Sept. 26–Jan. 3 2021 |
The Hauge | Netherlands | Alone with Vermeer. Mauritshuis Netherlands. |
1 | View of Delft |
2020-2021 Nov. 3–Jan.31 |
Osaka | Japan | Masterpieces from the National Gallery. National Museum of Art. | 1 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal |
2020-2022 Dec. 11–Jan. 31 |
London | Great Britian | Masterpieces from Buckingham Palace. The Queen's Gallery. | 1 | The Music Lesson |
2021 Jun. 12–Oct. 17 |
Brisbane | Australia | European Masterpieces from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art. | 1 | Allegory of Faith (unnumbered cat). |
2021 Mar. 5-Jun.14 |
Canberra | Australia | Botticelli to Van Gogh: Masterpieces from the National Gallery. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. | 1 | A Lady Seated at a Virginal |
2021 Sept.10, 2021-Jan.2, 2022 |
Dresden | Germany | Vermeer: On Reflection. Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden. | 10 | The Procuress Girl Reading a Letter by an Open Window The Little Street Girl Interrupted in her Music Girl with a Glass of Wine Woman in Blue Reading a Letter Woman Holding a Balance Woman with a Pearl Necklace The Geographer Lady Standing at the Virginal |
2021-2022 Oct. 7, 2021–Jan. 9, 2022 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Facelifts & Makeovers. Mauritshuis, The Hague. | 2 | Diana and her Companions View of Delft Girl with a Pearl Earring |
2021-2023 Nov. 1, 2021–May 30, 2023 |
Abu Dhabi | United Arab Republic | Fourth anniversary special exhibition. Louvre Abu Dhabi. | 1 | The Astronomer |
2021 Nov. 13 2021-Jan. 16 |
Osaka | Japan | European Masterpice from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Allegory of Faith |
2022 Feb .9–May 30 |
Tokyo | Japan | European Masterpice from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 1 | Allegory of Faith |
2022 Feb. 10–Apr. 3 |
Tokyo | Japan | Johannes Vermeer and 17th-Century Dutch Paintings. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum |
1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
2022, Apr. 1–May 15 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Dutch Heritage. Amsterdam. | 1 | The Milkmaid |
2022 Apr.22–-June 26 |
Sapporo | Japan | Johannes Vermeer and the Masters of the Golden Age of Dutch Painting from the collection of the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art. | 1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
2022 Jul. 16–Sept.25 |
Osaka | Japan | Johannes Vermeer and the Masters of the Golden Age of Dutch Painting from the collection of the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Osaka Museum of Fine Arts. |
1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
2022–2023 Sept. 29, 2022–Jan. 15, 2023 |
The Hague | Netherlands | Manhattan Masters: Frick Collection, New York City. Frick Collection. | 1 | Officer and Laughing Girl |
2022–2023 Oct. 8, 2022–Jan. 8, 2023 |
Washington D. C. | United States | Vermeer's Secrets. National Gallery of Art. | 4 | Girl with a Read Hat Girl with a Flute Lady Writing Woman Holding a Balance |
2022 Oct. 8–Nov. 27 |
Sendai | Japan | Johannes Vermeer and the Masters of the Golden Age of Dutch Painting from the Collection of the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, The Miyagi Museum of Art. |
1 | Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window |
2022–2023 Oct. 16, 2022–Jan. 15, 2023 |
Dallas | United States | Dalí/Vermeer: A Dialogue. Meadows Museum, Dallas. | 1 | Woman in Blue Reading a Letter |
2023 Feb. 10– Jun. 4 |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Vermeer. Rijksmuseum. | 28 | Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (1 and ill.) Saint Praxedis (2 and ill.) Diana and her Companions (3 and ill.) The Procuress (4 and ill.) Girl Readinga Letter at an Open Window (6 and ill.) Officer and Laughing Girl (7 and ill.) The Milkmaid (8 and ill.) The Little Street (9 and ill.) View of Delft (10 and ill.) The Glass of Wine (11 and ill.) Girl Interrupted in her Music (12 and ill.) Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (15 and ill.) Woman with a Lute (18 and ill.) Woman with a Pearl Necklace (19 and ill.) Woman Holding a Balance (20 and ill.) A Lady Writing (21 and ill.) Mistress and Maid (22 and ill.) Girl with a Flute (23 and ill.) Girl with the Red Hat (24 and ill.) Girl with a Pearl Earring (25 and ill.) The Lacemaker (27 and ill.) The Geographer (30 and ill.) The Love Letter (31 and ill.) Allegory of Faith (32 and ill.) A Lady Standing at a Virginal (33 and ill.) A Lady Seated at a Virginal (34 and ill.) Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid (35 and ill.) Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (37 and ill.) |
2023 Jun. 7– Oct. 10. |
Amsterdam | Netherlands | Six Vermeers. Gallery of Honour, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam |
2 | Girl with the Red Hat Young Woman Seated at a Virginal |
2023 Jun. 28-? |
Lens | France | Au temps de La Dentellière. Louvre-Lens Lens. | 1 | The Lacemaker |
2023-2024 Oct. 20–Jan. 21 |
Antwerp | Belgium | Turning Heads; Bruegel, Rubens and Rembrandt. Koninklijk Museum van Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen. | 1 | Girl with a Red Hat |
2024 Feb.-24-May 26 |
Dublin | Ireland | Turning Heads; Bruegel, Rubens and Rembrandt.National Gallery of Ireland | 1 | Girl with a Red Hat |
2024 May 11-Aug. 18 |
Dublin | Ireland | Vermeer Visits. National Gallery of Ireland. Dublin | 2 | Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid Mistress and Maid |
2024 Apr. 6-Jul. 14 |
Pittsburg | United States | Vermeer, Monet, Rembrandt: Forging the Frick Collections in Pittsburgh and New York. Frick Pittsburg, | 1 | Girl Interrupted in her Music |
The complete study of Vermeer’s materials, artistry and painting techniques
Jonathan Janson
(painter & founder of Essential