- San Fancisco, 2013, Girl with a Pearl Earring: Dutch paintings from the Mauritshuis, ed. by Lea Van der Vinde, San Francisco: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 2013.
- Den Bosch, 2013, Jan de Hond and Paul Huys Janssen, Pieter Saenredam in Den Bosch, Eindhoven: Lecturiso, 2013.
- Prague, 2012, Rembrandt & Co. Stories Told by a Prosperous Age: Exhibition Guide, ed. by Anja K. Ševčik, Prague: National Gallery in Prague, 2012.
- Zwolle, 2012, Robert E. Gerhardt and Francis Griep-Quint, Michiel van Musscher (1645–1705): The Wealth of the Golden Age, Wbook, 2012.
- Salem MA, 2011, Frederik J. Duparc with Femke Diercks, Reinier Baarsen and Loek van Aalst, Golden: Dutch and Flemish Masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk Van Otterloo Collection, New Haven: Salem: Yale University Press: Peabody Essex Museum, 2011.
- Cambridge, 2011, Marjorie E. Wieseman with contrib. by H. Perry Chapman, Wayne E. Franits., Vermeer's Women: Secrets and Silence, New Haven, CT; London: Yale University Press, 2011.
- Tokyo 2011, Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., with Daniëlle H.A.C. Lokin, Human Connections in the Age of Vermeer, London: Tokyo: Scala; Hata Foundation, 2011.
- Paris, 2011, direction artistique, Marc Restellini; commissaire de l'exposition, Wouter Kloek; comité scientifique, Martin Bijl et al. Ilone et George Kremer: héritiers de l'âge d'or hollandais, Paris: Pinacothèque de Paris, 2011.
- Amsterdam, 2011, ed. by Janrense Boonstra; texts: Aernout Hagen, David de Witt, In het voetspoor van Rembrandt: Hollandse schilderkunst uit de collectie Alfred Bader = In Rembrandt's footsteps: Dutch paintings from the Alfred Bader collection, Amsterdam: Museum Het Rembrandthuis, 2011.
- Kassel, 2011, Carolin Bohlmann, et al., Lichtgefüge: das Licht im Zeitalter von Rembrandt und Vermeer, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel und Forschungsgruppe Historische Lichtgefüge, Kassel: Petersberg: MHK, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel; M. Imhof, 2011.
- London, 2010, Desmond Shawe-Taylor; with contributions by Jennifer Scott, Dutch Landscapes, London: Royal Collection Publications, 2011..
- Dresden, Dublin, The Hague, 2010, Uta Neidhardt, Der frühe Vermeer, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2010.
- Dublin, 2010, Adriaan Waiboer, Gabriel Metsu, New Haven: Yale University Press.
- The Hague, 2010, Quentin Buvelot, Made in Holland: Highlights from the Collection of Eijk and Rose-Marie de Mol van Otterloo, The Hague: Zwolle: Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis; Waanders, 2010.
- Milano, 2008, From Rembrandt to Vermeer: Civil Values in 17th-Century Flemish and Dutch Painting: Masterpieces of the Gemädegalerie in Berlin, Milano: Motta, 2010.
- Tokyo, Shimbun 2007, Junko Aono, Milkmaid by Vermeer and Dutch Genre Painting: Masterworks from the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Tokyo, 2007.
- Den Haag, 2005, Maurithuis, Bedrogen: geschilderde illusies van Cornelius Gijsbrechts (The eye deceived: trompe-l'œil paintings by Cornelius Gijsbrechts), catalogue by Olaf Koester, 2005.
- Washington, 2005, Washington National Gallery, Rembrandt's Late Religious Portraits, catalogue by Arthur K. Wheelock et al.r, 2005.
- London 2005, Buckingham Palace, Enchanting The Eye: Dutch Paintings of The Golden Age, catalogue by Christopher Lloydr, 2005.
- Haarlem, 2004/2005, Frans Hals Museum, Pieter Claesz (1596/97–1660): meester van het stilleven, (Pieter Claesz [1596/97–1660]: master of still life in the Golden Age), catalogue by Pieter Biesboe, (Pieter Claesz 1596/97–1660), 20045.
- Den Haag, Scherwin, 2004/2005, Frederik J. Duparc, Ariane van Suchtelen, Gero Seelig, Carel Fabritius: de jonge meester (Carel Fabritius: young master painter) / Carel Fabritius (1622–1654): Das Werk, Carel Fabritius 1622–1654, Mauritshuis/The Hague, Staatliches Museum Schwerin/Schwerin.
- Dresden, 2004 / 2005, Uta Neidhart, Marlies Giebe, Albert Blankert, Chrisitne Klose, Johann Koller, Annalise Mayer-Meintsschel et. al., Das restaurierte Meisterwerk: Die Kupplerin von Vermeer, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meisterr, 2004.
- Kobe, 2004, Kobe City Museum, Flemish and Dutch Paintings from the Collection of the Kunsthisches Museun Wienr, 2004.
- Sakura, 2004, Pieter Biesboer, Sakura City Museum of Art, Dutch art in the age of Frans Hals from the collection of the Frans Hals Museum, 2004.
- Rotterdam, Frankfurt am Main, 2004, Jeroen Giltaij, Alexandra Gaba-Van Dongen and Peter Hecht, Schilders van het dagelijks leven in de zeventiende eeuw / Senses and Sins: Dutch Painters of Daily Life in the Seventeenth Century, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen/St ä delsches Kunstinstitut, Zinnen en Minnen, 2004.
- Haarlem, 2004, Pieter Biesboer, Martina Sitt and Marvin Altner, with essays by Karel Bostoen, Louis Grijp, Elmer Koflin, Cynthia von Bogendorf Rupprath, Satire en vermaak, Frans Halsmuseum, 2004.
- Washington, Detroit, 2004, National Gallery of Art/ Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts, Gerard Ter Borch, catalogue by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., Alison Kettering), Arie Wallert, Marjorie Wieseman, 2004.
- Hamburg, 2004, Pieter Biesboer and Martina Sitt, with contributions by Karel Bostoen, Louis Grijp, Cynthia von Bogendorf Rupprath, Elmer Kolfin and Marvin Altner. Hamburger Kunsthalle, Vergnügliches Leben, verborgene Lust: Holländische Gesellschaftsszenen von Frans Hals bis Jan Steen (Pleasurable life, hidden desires: Dutch genre scenes from Frans Hals to Jan Steen), 2004.
- San Diego, 2004, Peter Sutton et al., Gabriel Metsu: The Love Letter, small catalogue from Love Letters: Dutch Genre Paintings in the Age of Vermeer, Timken Art Museum, 2004.
- The Hague, 2004, Quentin Buvelot et al., lbert Eckhout (1610–1666), Mauritshuis, The Hague, 2004.
- Dublin, Greenwich 2003/2004, National Gallery of Ireland/Greenwich, Bruce Museum of Art, Love Letters, Dutch genre paintings in the age of Vermeer, catalogue by Peter Sutton et al., 2003.
- Manchester, 2003, Currier Museum of Art, Jan Miense Molenaer, painter of the Dutch Golden Age, catalogue by Dennis P. Weller with essays by Cynthia von Bogendorf Rupprath and Mariët Westermann, 2003.
- Santiago, 2003, Universidad de Chile, Parque Forestal, Maestros del Siglo de Oro Holandés en Dordrecht (Dutch Golden Age masters in Dordrecht), catalogue by Celeste Brusati, Sander Paarlberg and Kim van Vloten, 2003.
- Kassel, 2003, Staatliche Museen (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister), Johannes Vermeer: Der Geograph. Die Wissenschaft der Malerei (The geographer. The science of painting), catalogue by Thorsten Smidt, 2003.
- Utrecht, 2003, Centraal Museum, Adriaen Coorte, meester van de monumentale eenvoud (Adriaen Coorte, master of sublime simplicity), 2003.
- Madrid, 2003, Vermeer and the Dutch Interior , catalogue by Alejandro Vergara and Mariett Westermann, 2003.
- Haarlem, 2003, Frans Hals Museum, De tekenende schilder, Michael Sweerts (The painter draws: Michael Sweerts), 2003.
- Amsterdam, 2003, Rembrandthuis, Rembrandts verborgen zelfportretten (Rembrandt's hidden self-portraits), catalogue by Ernst van de Wetering, 2003.
- Albany, 2002, Albany Institute of Art History, Matters of Taste: Food and Drink in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Life, catalogue by Donna R. Barnes and Peter G. Rose, with essays by Charles T. Gehring and Nancy T. Minty, 2002.
- Raleigh, 2002, North Carolina Museum of Art, Weller, D., Jan Miense Molenaer: Painter of the Dutch Golden Age, catalogue by Dennis Paul Weller, Cynthia von Bogendorf Rupprath and Karen Cochran., 2002.
- Hartford, 2002, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Michael Sweerts: 1618–1664, catalogue by Guido Jansen and Peter C. Sutton, with contributions from Jonathan Bikker, 2002.
- London, 2002, Laurie B. Harwood; with contrib. by Christopher Brown and Anne Charlotte Steland, Inspired by Italy: Dutch landscape painting 1600–1700, London: Dulwich Picture Gallery, 2002.
- Boston, 2002, Ronni Baer, The Poetry of Everyday Life: Dutch Painting in Boston, Boston: MFA Publ., 2002.
- New York, London, 2001, The Metropolitan Museum of Art/National Gallery, Vermeer and the Delft School, catalogue by Walter Lietdke et al., 2003.
- Denver, Newark, 2001, Denver Art Museum / The Newark Museum, Art & Home: Dutch Interiors in the Age of Rembrandt, catalogue by Mariette Wetermann et al.
- Amsterdam, 2001, Lene Boegh Roenberg, Kasper Monrad, Ragni Linnet; and contrib. from Marie Baarspul, Wouter Kloek, Nanna Larsen, Two Golden Age: Masterpieces of Dutch and Danish Painting, Amsterdam; Zwolle; Kopenhagen: Rijksmuseum Statens Museum for Kunst Waanders.
- Utrecht, Los Angeles 2000, Utrecht (Centraal Museum) / J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Pieter Saenredam, the Utrecht Work: Paintings, and Drawings by the 17th-Century Master of Perspective, catalogue by Liesbeth L. Helmus with contributions by Arie de Groot, Geraldine van Heemstra and Michiel C. Plomp.
- Washington, 2000, National Gallery of Art, Gerrit Dou 1613–1675; Master Painter in the Age of Rembrandt, catalogue by Ronnie Baer and Arthur K. Wheelock Jr..
- Ithaca, 2000, Cornell University, Fresh Woods and Pastures New: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Landscape Drawings from the Peck Collection, catalogue by Franklin Westcott Robinson and Sheldon Peck.
- Osaka, 2000, Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, The Public and the Private in the Age of Vermeer, catalogue by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. and Michiel Christiaan Plomp.
- Amsterdam, 2000, Rijksmuseum, Glorie van de Gouden Eeuw: Nederlandse kunst uit de 17de eeuw (Glory of the Golden Age: Dutch art of the 17th century), catalogue by Judikje Kiers, Fieke Tissink, Jan Pieter Filedt Kok and Bart Cornelis.
- Dresden, 2000, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Von der lustvollen Betrachtung der Bilder: Leidener Feinmaler in der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden (Of desirous gazing at pictures: the Leiden 'fijnschil' in Dresden), catalogue by Annegret Laabs with a contribution by Christoph Scholzel.
- Boston, 2000, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Rembrandt creates Rembrandt: Art and Ambition in Leiden, 1629–1631, catalogue by Arthur Kingsland, Wheelock Jr. with essays by Christopher White, Mariët Westermann, Alan Chong and Hilliard Goldfarb.
- Rotterdam, 1999/2000, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Dutch Classicism in Seventeenth-Century Painting, catalogue by Albert Blankert et al.
- Amsterdam, Cleveland, 1999, 2002, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam/Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Het Nederlandse stilleven, 1550–1720 (Dutch still life), catalogue by Alan David Chong and Wouter Th. Kloek with contributions by Celeste Brusati, Willem Jacob Engelsman and Dorine Duyster.
- Dulwich, Hartford, 1998, 1999, London, Dulwich Picture Gallery / Wadsworth Atheneum, Pieter de Hooch, catalogue by Peter Sutton.
- Washington, 1999, National Gallery Washington, From botany to bouquets: flowers in northern art, catalogue by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
- Dayton 1999, Dayton Art Insititue, Sinners and Saints, Darkness and Light: Caravaggio and his Dutch and Flemish Followers, catalogue by Dennis Paul Weller with essays by Leonard Joseph Slatkes and Viki Balkcum.
- Copenhagen, 1999, Statens Museum for Kunst, Blændværker: Gijsbrechts kongernes illusionsmester (Illusions: Gijsbrechts, Royal Master of Deception), catalogue by Olaf Koester, with contributions by Celeste Brusati, Jørgen Hein, Günter Herzog, Ekkehard Mai, Mette Bjarnhof and Lone Bogh.
- London, The Hague, 1999, National Gallery London/Mauritshuis, Den Haag, Rembrandt by Himself, catalogue by Christopher White and Quentin Buvelot with contributions by Ernst van de Wetering and Edwin Buijsen.
- Ithaca, 1999, Cornell University, Reflections to Astound: 17th-Century Dutch Prints from a Private Collection, catalogue by Joseph Dallett and Andrew C. Weislogel.
- Rotterdam, 1998, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Dutch Genre Painting of the 17th Century: Collection of the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, catalogue by Friso Lammertse et al.
- Thw Hague, 1998, Mauritshuis, Gerrit ter Borch and the Treaty of Munster, catalogue by Alison Kettering.
- Amsterdam, 1997, Rijksmuseum, Spiegel van alledag, Nederlandse genreprenten 1550–1700 / Mirror of Everyday Life; Genreprints in the Netherlands 1550–1700, catalogue by Eddy de Jong and Ger Luijten.
- Washington, Amsterdam, 1996 / 1997, National Gallery of Art / Rijksmuseum, Jan Steen schilder en verteller / Jan Steen: Painter and Storyteller, catalogue by H. Chapman, Wouter Kloek and Arthur K. Wheelock Jr..
- Paris, 1997, Gran Palais, De Rembrandt à Vermeer; les peintersm dollandais au Mauritshuis de La Haye.
- San Francisco, 1997, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, Masters of light: Dutch painters in Utrecht during the golden age, catalogue by Joneath A. Spicer, Lynn Federle Orr et al.
- Delft, 1996, Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delftse Meesters. Tijdgenoten van Vermeer / Delft Masters; Vermeer's Contemporaries.
- Washington, Den Haag, 1995 / 1996, National Gallery of Art / Mauritshuis, Johannes Vermeer, catalogue by Aurthur K. Wheelcok Jr. et al.
- Amsterdam, 1993 / 1994, Mirror of Everyday Life: Genredprints in the Netherlands 1550–1770, catalogue by Eddy de Jong ad Ger Luijtens.
- Delft, 1994, Stedelijk Museum het Prinsenhof, Leonart Bramer: 1596–1674; Ingenious Painter and Draughtsman in Rome and Delft, catalogue by Jane ten Brink Goldsmith.
- Worcester, 1993, Worcester Art Museum, Judith Leyster: A Dutch Master and Her World, catalogue by James Welu et al.
- Antwerpen, 1991, David Teniers de Jongere. Schilderijen. Tekeningen / David Teniers the Younger: Paintings. Drawings, catalogue by Margret Kling.
- Amsterdam, 1989, Rijksmuseum, De Hollandse Fijnschilders: Van Gerard Dou tot Adriaen van der Werff, catalogue by P. Hecht.
- Leiden, 1988, Stedelijk Museum, Leidse fijnschilders van Gerrit Dou tot Frans van Mieris de Jonge, 1630–1760, catalogue by Erick J. Sluijter et al.
- München, 1986, Alte Pinakothek, Adriaen Brouwer und das niederl ä ndische Bauerngenre 1600–1660, catalogue by Konrad Renger.
- New York, 1982, Noortman & Brod, Adriaen Brouwer; David Teniers the Younger: A Loan Exhibition of Paintings, catalogue by M. Klinge.
- Philadelphia, Berlin, London, 1984, Philadelphia Museum of Art / Gemäldegalerie/Royal Academy, Masters of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting, catalogue by Peter Sutton et al.
- Amsterdam, 1976, Rijksmuseum, Tot lering en vermaak; betekenissen van Hollandse genrevoorstellingen uit de zeventiende eeuw, catalogue by Eddy de Jongh.
- Paris, 1975, Institut Neérlandais, Willem Buytewech 1591–1624, catalogue by Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann.
- London, 1949, forew. S.C. Kaines Smith, Masterpieces of Dutch and Flemish Painting: Loan Exhibition in Memory of Ralph Warner, London: Eugene Slatter.
Recommended Vermeer Reading

to Vermeer (Cambridge
Companions to the History of Art)
ed. Wayne Franits 2001